Trust Me {chapter two}

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When I woke up, I was the only one on the couch; Johnnie and Bryan were already up. I reached for my phone to text Meghan 'goodmorning', which I do every morning. I got up to go to the bathroom but Johnnie was in there straightning his hair. I turned around to go back to the livingroom, knowing how long Johnnie takes to do his hair.
"I'm done, you can come in here." Johnnie said.
"Johnnie, are you ready yet?!" Bryan yelled.
"What time is it?" Johnnie asked.
"It's almost 12:00am."
"Shit. Yeah, I guess i'm ready."
"Where you goin?" I asked.
"Johnnie's going out with Alex."
"Oh, cool, where?"
"We don't know yet, we might just chill at the mall and then we're going to get dinner."
"Oh, so you're gonna be gone all day?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
"Okay, Johnnie come on. Kyle, you don't mind staying here while I drop him off, do you?" Bryan said.
"Nah. Bryan and I are gonna have fun together today, aren't we Bryan?" I said glaring ag Johnnie.
"Ohhh you bet." Bryan said.
"See ya." Johnnie said opening the door.
"Have fun!" I said.
Him and Alex had been spending a lot of time together.
"If Johnnie is happy then i'm happy." I said to myself. But it wasn't true.
I checked my phone- Meghan hadn't  texted me back.

When Bryan got back, I contemplated mentioning Johnnie and Alex. I decided to just go for it.
"Hey, just out of curiousity, does Johnnie actually have a crush on Alex?"
He laughed a little. "Well, I hope so."
"Oh, so now you're a Johlex shipper?"
His smile faded. "Wait, do you.. know?"
"Johnnie and Alex are dating." My heart dropped.
"Wait what?"
"Sorry, I just thought Johnnie told you."
"I thought he would too."
"Well they aren't gonna make it public for a while. After all the Kohnnie insanity, I don't know how some of the fans would take it."
"Yeah, especially after everyone found out about Meghan and I. The whole cutforkohnnie thing made me upset and it just, it really made me realize that people are taking this ship too seriously." Why hadn't Johnnie told me?! Did he not trust me..?
"Yeah, I know. But speaking of Kohnnie, you and Johnnie seemed to be pretty comfy last night." He grinned. I guess Bryan was the first one up.
"Oh, haha yeah. I mean, Johnnie just couldn't keep his hands off of me."
He laughed. "So, how's Meghan? Or, how are you and Meghan?"
"Um we're good. She's great."
"This is gonna sound really weird but uh-"
"Go for it."
"Okay, i'm just gonna be straight forward. Are you straight?"
"I'm only asking because you've been like super kohnnie lately, and I didn't know if you like, ship kohnnie for real."
"Oh, I ship it to the max."
"Yeah but I mean like, for real."
"Yeah. I know."

-I edited the first chapter a little bit because now theres Kyhan and Johlex is more real than ever so why not have it be real in this story? It's obvious that they are dating though... it's cute.. I don't ship it though.
It's Saturday night and i'm already stressed about Monday because school.. ughhhh. And i'm on my period and gym class might be difficult.. ok too much information sorry im done ok.,

~Emily <3

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