8) How Many?

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Time Skip To The 4th Month Of The Pregnancy (October)
Back In Tampa

My eyes flutter open and I see Kevin looking at me. "How long have you been watching me sleep?" I ask, still half asleep. "Not very long. Maybe 5 minutes?" After leaving a kiss on his lips, I go to get up only to be pulled back down. "No, lay with me a little longer." He mumbles into my neck. I finally manage to get out of Kevin's grip and walk into the closet to get some clothes before going to shower.

The season might be over, but now my mind is in Baby Mode. With me being 4 Months along now and it being Mid-October, that put my due date in March, right when next seasons activities start up. We weren't going to buy anything until we knew if the baby was a boy or a girl.

I stepped out of the shower, got dried off and dressed then walked back into the bedroom. "Are you really still laying in bed?" "Maybe." He replies back to me from his spot on the bed. "Babe, you gotta get up at some point. I have to go to the doctors today, remember?" Leaving a kiss on his lips, I walk downstairs and fix a bowl of Fruit Loops.

"You and your Fruit Loops." Kevin says as he sit down next to me, an apple in his hand. I finish eating and stand up, taking my bowl and placing it in the dishwasher. "That's the best cereal in the world, don't mock it." After kissing his cheek, I walk upstairs to find some shoes.

"Are you ready to find out what the baby is?" I ask Kevin as he drove to the doctors office. "Yep. I think it's gonna be a girl." "I'll be happy with whatever it is, boy or girl." We arrive at the doctors office and walk inside.

I lay on the table and raise my shirt up so the doctor can put the gel on it. She grabbed her wand at started to look for the baby. "It looks as if you are having a boy and a girl!" Kevin's jaw drops. "Twins?" After the doctor points out the babies, she walks out of the room to get pictures of the ultrasound.

"Well, I guess we better tell everyone else." Kevin says as we were laying on the couch back at his house. He grabs his phone and does something, and soon his phone won't stop buzzing. "What did you do?" I asked as his phone continued to buzz. "Sent out a group text telling everyone. Thought it would be easier that way."

My phone buzzed and Kevin grabbed it, unlocking it. His body tenses up and I know that somethings up. He shows me what it is and I sigh.

From: Unknown Number
Boy and girl? Congrats you two.

I delete the message and toss my phone on the table. "Why won't they leave us alone?" "I wish I knew baby." He places a kiss to the back of my neck and soon Im asleep.

"Will ya'll shut up?" I groan as Im pulled from my nap. Chris, David, Jake, Logan and Steven were scattered around in the living room talking to Kevin. "We're gonna paint the nursery this weekend baby." "How are you gonna design it?" I asked, still half asleep. "It's a surprise!" Jake exclaims causing everyone to laugh.

"You and the girls are gonna go shopping for everything that's gonna go in the nursery while the guys and I paint and everything." Kevin says as he rubs my back. "Sounds good to me." I stand up and walk upstairs, changing into pajamas before walk back downstairs and into the kitchen.

After popping some popcorn and adding Nacho Cheese seasoning, I walk back into the living room and sit next to Kevin. He eats some of the popcorn, then throws some at David. David glares at him as everyone else laughs. Soon, everyone leaves and Kevin and I are alone again.

"I wanna watch a movie!" I whine as Kevin takes the remote. "Whats the movie?" Grabbing the remote, I change it to Hoosiers. "Please babe? It's my favorite movie." He finally gives in and I start to watch the movie. My eyes start to droop and I lay my head on his shoulder. "Night baby girl. I love you."

I need some help with baby names! Both boys and girls names.
Anyway, let me know what you think!

This book will be updated every Friday, as I have a set Updating Schedule. Yes, I will only be updating this once a week, Sorry.

(785 Words)

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