12) Discovering X

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October 1st

"Well, another season is almost in the books." Arch said as we gathered around in his living room.  Arch, Richie, Mikie, Evan, Steven, Jake, Logan, Sam and Mercy were all there as well as Kevin, the twins and I. The season ended tomorrow and the guys were ready for the offseason. Unfortunately, the guys were not gonna make the postseason. Kevin had finally come out of his cast and was put into a brace, making it easier for him to move his arm.

The mysterious texts had recently stopped, but I knew they weren't over with completely. I just had that feeling about it, like they were waiting for the right moment to strike again. Wiping it from my mind, I tune back into the conversation.

Once it began to get late, everyone began to leave. When my group got home, we put the kids in there cribs and immediantely laid down on the bed. Kevin's snoring quickly filled the room as I tossed and turned in the bed. My phone buzzed and my heart dropped to my stomach as I saw who it was.

From: Unknown Number
Just when you thought I was gone, Im right back. You can never get rid of me.

To: Unknown Number
How about you leave me and my family the hell alone. Quit being a little bitch and actually reveal yourself to us.

I worked up the courage to send the text and I immediantely tossed my phone away from me. It buzzed not long afterwards, but I ignored it so I could sleep.

The next morning I got out of the bed and took a shower before walking downstairs to see Kevin in the kitchen. "Hey babe." I say as I peck his lips and hop onto the counter. He places his hands on my waist and I wrap my legs around him. "Im ready for the offseason. I just want to spend more time with you, Alyx and Liam." His phone buzzed and it reminded me of the text I recieved last night.

From: Unknown Number
Oh Brittany, you only wish I would. I'll never quit bothering you. Ever.

I groan and toss my phone on the bed. "Bri? You okay?" Kevin calls up the stairs. "Yeah, Im fine." Grabbing my phone, I walk down the hall and get the kids dressed and into their carriers. We load everything into the car and head to The Trop.

"There's my favorite neice!" Logan exclaims as he takes Alyx from me. Kevin laughs as Richie takes Liam and walks away. I lay down on one of the clubhouse's couchs and sigh. One of the guys was texting on his phone and stopped just as mine went off, but I didn't think anything of it. I thought it was just a coincidence.

From: Unknown Number
Im closer than you think

I dropped my phone and ran from the room, causing everyone to watch me. Kevin chased after me, grabbed me, and pinned me against a wall. "Babe, what's wrong?" "He's here." Tears were streaming down my face and you could barely understand me. "Who's here? What's going on?" "X. He's here and he's one of the guys on the team."

Kevin pulled me close to him as he looked up and down the hallway. He grabbed his phone and called someone, and soon Logan was running towards us. "What's going on?" Kevin tells him the story and Logan wraps me into a hug. "It's alright baby sis. He won't hurt you. Kevin and I will keep a close eye out for the guy." I finally stop crying and we walk back to the main room.

The guys played their game, a 4-3 loss against the Blue Jays, then filed back into the locker room. I slowly followed behind them, that is until I heard screaming and yelling. Hiding next to the door, I peeked inside and gasped at what I saw.

"IT WAS YOU! YOU'RE THE ASSHOLE THAT IS BLACKMAILING MY GIRLFRIEND!" Kevin yelled at Brad Boxberger. He was trying to attack Brad, but Richie and Chris had tight grips on his arms. "Yeah, so what?" Brad asked, completely calm as could be. "YOU'VE CAUSED HER TO HAVE NIGHTMARES ABOUT SOMETHING HAPPENING TO OUR KIDS!"

Just as Kevin broke free from Chris and Richie's grasp, Logan walked in the room. "What's going on?" He asked, confusion filling his voice. "HIM!" Kevin yelled as he pointed at Brad. "HE'S THE ONE MESSING WITH MY FAMILY!" Anger quickly filled Logan's face, and the two of them charged at Brad.

Cash ran by me and into the room, followed by Sam and Mercy. "What the HELL is going on here!?!?" Cash bellowed as Logan, Kevin and Brad backed away from one another. "Boxberger here has been blackmailing Brittany for MONTHS!" "Is this true?" Cash asked as he looked at Brad. "Yeah, it is." Cash grabbed him by the arm and pulled him from the room, dragging him outside.

I ran into Kevin's arms and he held me tightly. "He's gone now baby. He can't hurt you anymore." Tears fall down my face again. Everyone forms a gigantic group hug around us, causing me to giggle. "Im glad he's gone and we can go back to living our normal lives." I said as Kevin wiped the tears from my eyes. "Agreed." He said as he placed his lips on mine.

And that is the end of Forbidden Love.
I actually am not writing an epilogue to the book, mainly because I don't know what to write for it.
Ending note coming soon!

Let me know what you think!

{947 Words}

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