Chapter 1 Can't Control It

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1 month has past since the defeat of Undergrowth and everything is gone back to normal.

Gohan has accept Cell and his biological family.

Gohan and Videl are broken up after she cheating on him with Sharpner

Sharpner is having a great time dating Videl now after Gohan breaks up with her

Videl miss Gohan so much and want to get back together with him but after what she did to him Gohan never want Videl back

Earth knows that Cell save it from Undergrowth and are planing to give him a medal for it

Cell is having troubles controlling his ice powers after seeing that anything he touches turns to ice. Cell didn't tell Mavis, Ken, Aslla or Gohan that he is having trouble with his new gain ice powers

In the forest Cell is practicing his ice powers 

"Why my ice powers are out of control ? " Cell though

"Anything that I touch become ice " Cell though

Cell touch a rock and ice comes out and freezes it completely

"Mm " Cell say

Cell look at his hands

"Cell ? " Aslla say

"Aslla " Cell say

"What are you doing here ? " Cell say

"I got your new cloak " Aslla say

"Oh " Cell say

Aslla gives Cell his new cloak

Cell looks at his new cloak

"Black and blue " Cell say

"Yup " Aslla say

Cell takes off his current cloak and put on a rock and hopes his ice freeze anything

Cell put on his new black and blue cloak

"Nice " Cell say

"Yup " Aslla say

Aslla grabs Cell old cloak

"What you want me to do with this cloak ? " Aslla say

"Oh just put it with the other cloaks in my closet " Cell say

"Okay " Aslla say

"I be back " Aslla say

Aslla enters the portal

"I be waiting " Cell say

Cell returns to Goku's house where Goku has invite Cell, Ken, Mavis and Aslla to move in to be closer to Gohan oh course Chi-Chi didn't want Cell to live in the house with her but thanks to compulsion Chi-Chi was fine with it

Cell enters the house and sees Chi-Chi washing the dishes and seeks up on her

"Hi Chi-Chi " Cell say

Chi-Chi got scare

"HHHHAAAA " Chi-Chi say

"Sorry Chi-Chi I though you heard me come in " Cell say

"No " Chi-Chi say

Chi-Chi notices Cell's new cloak

"What's with the new cloak ? " Chi-Chi say

"Oh I have gain ice powers and Aslla thinks it would be nice if I wear black and blue cloak " Cell say

"Ice powers ? " Chi-Chi say

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