Chapter 3 Cell Faint

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Goten and Cell are walking back home after finding a old Japanese house where there is a barrier around it which Goten can't enter but Cell can. They also find a green capital V and snake statue.

Both the statues and Cell eyes began to glow green

On the way back Goten is a little bit ahead of Cell who is thinking what the statue said to him

"Descendant " The statue voice was in Cell's thoughts

"What the statue means descendant " Cell Thoughts

"Am I in a family that I don't know ? " Cell Thoughts

"And what with the green capital V for. I don't recognize it " Cell Thoughts

"None of Dimentix's Families that I know of don't have a green capital V "Cell Thoughts

"I know the Velvet Family don't associations with snakes " Cell Thoughts

Goten stop to wait for Cell to catch up

"What is Cell thinking of ? " Goten Thoughts

"Today is one of the weirdest day I ever have first I can't enter the barrier but Cell can than a capital green V a snake statue than both the statue and Cell eyes began to glow green " Goten Thoughts

Goten look up and sees a green snake in the way

"A snake " Goten say

The snake sis at Goten

Goten look at the snake and there was something off about it.

The snake eyes they are patch black

Goten back up away from the snake who looks want to kill him

The snake shows Goten his sharp fangs

Goten is still backing away from it unknowingly he just back into Cell

"Goten what's wrong ? " Cell say

"Snake " Goten say pointing at the snake

Cell looks at the snake

The snake take off his focus onto Cell

The snake is now staring at Cell

Cell shows the snake his fangs hoping that will scare it off but no there was something different about this snake

Cell got on his knees to look at the snake

Cell and the snake are staring at each other

Goten thinks they are having a staring contest

"Staring contest " Goten Thoughts

Both Cell and the snake eyes began to glow green

"Those eyes again " Goten Thoughts

The snake looks like he was please by Cell's glow green

The snake decides to back off knowing Cell is a descendant of the family

"The snake is going away " Goten say

The snake turn around and look at Cell for one last time

Cell also look at the snake to

The snake smile at him

Cell was confuse

Than the snake leaves

"Why that snake was smiling at me ? " Cell Thoughts

Cell get up

Both Cell and Goten began to walk again

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