Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Pant. Pant. Pant.
Very little sound was made as her paws thudded on the forest floor. She didn't slow down as she staggered up a rock pile; pebbles clattering down behind her. She runs. Never stopping. Fleeing from the unknown. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she marks her passage through the trees.

When she finally slows, exhaustion catching up to her, the skies were a bliss with the sun's rays. The cold wind of the oncoming night starts to dry the sweat in her coat. She shivers, slowly jogging. Her ears flick in time to the squirrels jumping in the forest canopy. Her nose twitches taking in the scents. Bacon. Her mouth watered at the smell of the crunchy yet chewy meat. But as much as she wanted to indulge herself, she still remembered her circumstance. With her head hung low, she turned to leave and continue on deeper into the forest. Her body though, only let her manoeuvre 45 degrees before turning back 90 degrees and slowly jogging towards the food source. She whined but gave in to the urge, stalking the scent.

She tilted her head and accessed the young femme-wolf.

"And maybe get some meat for those bones."

The wolf relaxed slightly - still suspicious - at the calming demeanour. It took her a minute to reach the door in her hesitant pattering. She looked up for confirmation and received a warm smile. As she made her way in she grew more anxious. The woman walked to the staircase against the wall.

"Come on darling. Up here."

Slinking with her belly close to the floor, she slipped pass the door where everyone was gathered talking boisterously around the mega dining table. Her paws made no sound on the wooden steps as she made her way to the top. She paused till the woman passed her, then followed her through the corridor. The door they stopped at was marked with a brass 14. The dark interior was quickly lit up showing a queen sized mahogany bed, dark oak bedside tables, wardrobe and vanity; and a white plush carpet. The woman walked into the room leaving the she-wolf at the door. She opened the wardrobe and pulled out black sweatpants and a grey singlet. She placed them on the bed while the she-wolf padded slowly and softly over to her side. The woman sat on the edge of the mattress, the room falling into silence.

"Honey," The woman began, leaning forward. "I'm going to help you. I'm going to make you human again."

The wolf's ears perked up hearing human.

"But I need you to cooperate with me. Can you do that, honey?"

The wolf's head slowly and awkwardly moved up and down in a cautious nod. The woman smiled comfortably. She slipped off the bed and kneeled in front of the she-wolf.

"Now I need you to close your eyes sweetie. I'm not going to hurt you. Just close your eyes... That's it. Now think of you, think of your actual body. Feel that little tingle in your belly. Concentrate on it. Let it cover your body..."

A crack filled the air. Then another. After the fifth single crack, the rest overlapped each other creating a chorus of breaks and amends.

Soon a naked youth is curled on her side, trying to mask herself from view. Her tired, round emerald eyes looked querily at the woman in front of her.

"How – how did you know?" She croaked, shivering from the slight draft.

"You're not alone in this world child." The woman replied. "My name is Miss Jasomine. I own the hotel here. Right now you are in the workers quarters."

Miss Jasomine's eyes crinkled as she smiled.

"What's your name sweetie?"

"K-Kayley," Came from the huddled ball.

"Welcome to The Den hotel, Kayley. Welcome."

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