A Newbie in School

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Chapter 2,

A Newbie in School

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Beep~ Beep~

Me: "Ugh...is it already time to get ready?*Sigh* Fine"

When I came of to bed I then take first a shower, and beside be hygenic ofcourse, and Oh!

I forgot what do I suppose to look like, well...since I'm done with my shower, here's what I'm suppose to wear and look like,

I am now wearing a blue tank top (I know that's inappropriate to wear) but I also wear a white hoodie, the sleeves design has a red fallout colour, and inside my hood is a light blue colour, I then have blue, short jeans which is pretty original for me to wear, and I wear boots which ofcourse where long sneakers aswell, for my head, I have bloody red colour eyes that aren't ofcourse creepy, and I have long, white hair and the lower outline are red (I'm japanese afterall),

After that I then dried my hair with bathroom's hairdryer, and ofcourse comb it to a sideswept to my right, and all is ready, I then get a morning snack which is a butter toast, and ofcourse hot chocolate and now I'm officially famished all about it...

I then gt my bag and put my things what I need, ofcourse my laptop and headphones, I also then locked one of the rooms before I leave (remember lock your house first if you leave), I then lef the house and locked the front door, I then ran to the schools bus stop, and I was there just in time,

I then saw the bus coming and now when I enter the bus I saw the driver smiling and ask me,

Bus Driver: "Newbie?"

Me: "Yes"

Bus Driver: "Well then, welcome to Minecraftia, My name is Brian, what's your name?"

Me: "Hi, I'm Neku, nice to meet you Brian"

Bus Driver: "Well, Neku nice to meet you too, go find your spot, okay?"

Me: "Okay, thanks"

When I enter and saw that people are whispering to eachother, I was a about to look depressed but just ignores them, when I came to the Back and sit there instead, I somehow have people right beside me, one guy is in a blue shirt, the other guy is a blonde but also wears a green hat and stuff, and a guy in a blue jacket,

When I seat right beside them, they then smile at me and the Guy in a Blue jacket ask me,

???: "Hi, my name's Cyanide, that guy in a blue t-shirt is Chris and the other guy is Carflo, what's yours?"

Me: "Hi, my name is Neku, I'm from Japan by the way so I'm a Newbie"

Carflo: "Well hi there, Neku, say you do look like an anime because you have White Hair and a red outline"

Me: "Aww, really? well thank you"

Chris: "Say Neku, How come you can speak English very well?"

Me: "Well, English Cartoons, Thanks to them I manage to speak in english so yeah"

Everything just began so well, everything just felts a bit different somehow, but come on it's the first day of school on a different country, I just need to get to know everyone who's in this bus,

Suddenly heard that brian scream 'We're here' the people who sits in front just then got up and leave I then get ready to leave inside the bus, and once I left the bus, I then saw the school building, I hen felt my heart beating fast, I'm nervous, but I then felt someone patting my shoulder,

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