Not Again

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Chapter 3,

Not Again

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When I finish what am I about to say,

Me: "Tama!"

After that everybody in the classroom heard me and right infront of me is a Floating Fireball, I then use telekenises to show where should it be going, I do a couple of tricks to it and I was making everybody to enetertain them after that, the fireball came back in front of me,

I then tried to calm myself down and after that, the stuff coming out of my eyes vanish and so does the fireball, I then blink once, and as I blink twice I then notice I doze of again,

And I just saw everybody in amazement and I just being so confuse and I then notice again everybody is looking at me, I then somehow have a feeling that I just done it again,

I then freaked out and ask them,

Me: "Oh No! Did I did it again!? Please, oh please I didn't show you the other me?"

Aphmau: "Other you?"

I then pulled my hood and start to freaking out and I can't think forward what just happen, I only just got here, and now I'm showing my powers, I shouldn't be doing this, why did I did it anyways!?

* Flashback *

I was doing fine during class, but I then heard somebody arguing with someone I pretty much know for sure, the guy who's arguing is mad at the shy and quiet girl, she used to be my friend back in elementary and even now,

That guy who's now making her cry makes me furious, and so I keep my eyes narrowed when I even gave the guy a cold, creepy glare...

As I keep galring him, I heard a voice said to me, 'Hinotama', when I heard that name, I say it slowly and turn it like a spell,

Me: "Hino..."

After I said that, I finish it with a big bang,

Me: "Tama!"

And after that all happen I manage to summon a Floating Fireball, and I telekenises it to the guys hair, his head is now burning until he screams I then blinked and widen my eyes to see him screaming around,

after that fiasco happen, everybody is now scared even the shy girl, I got so depressed and I never said another word again,

* Flashback Ended *

When I start breathing psypathically and felt like I couldn't take this any more, I then felt somebody hugging me somehow,

It's Aphmau, she's really nice, I can't believe I stop all my freaky ways just for one hug, but I then to start crying of tears, those tears are meant to say for thank you to Aphmau to never let me leave myself rott away,

I then hug her back and I wiped all my tears, after that happened everybody who's in the classroom smiled and came closer to me, they all look friendly to me exactly and I just heard them introducing themselves all over again, but this time EVERYBODY who's in the classroom are literally introducing themselves,

But I then notice, A guy with a green hood just looks out to the window at the back of a classroom, I feel a bit of a connection with him, cause I know how he feels in reality,

I then look at everybody and one of them are now introducing themselves,

The guy with Sunglasses and has the the purple amulet starts first,
Sky: "Hi! I'm Sky, you might find me cool or weird in this glasses, but I just can't stop being CRAZY!"

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