2nd Day in School

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So finally 2nd Day of school have finally arrived, my things where ready even my clothes and stuffs..
I woke up at 5 am on that day, its was hard for me to adjust cause I didnt lived for a very long time here in the Philippines. I am Marc, as I told them my name in the school.
Then something came up on my mind, "friends are friends they help each other when in need" yes, it was true and ive felt that witu my new friends.
Those people are Justin, Lyn, Ricky, Percy, Shaneng, Kurl, Crystal, and etc.
Now ill introduce to you the name of the lady that I loved, her name is Kyla. A simple girl, caring, loving, and understanding. I couldnt ask for more because of her. Im contented.
So, on this day I did notice her but I didnt knew that Id fall inloved with her. She approached me because of the activity that she cant finish, so, she passed the responsibility to me... but its ok cause im willing to finish it even im on my own.
So the activity that she passed to me is the making of a bridge just using Elmers Glue, and a Toothpick. Its was hard but I barely quit doing it cause every night I always slept beside it because of finishing it.
But being a hard working man. I made it in no time, I think that is not that good but when it was tested in the school, it didnt broke into half.
She was happy cause I made it. Her smile was a killer on my heart. My heart beats fast when I always see her but I just dont let them recognize that I like her..
Then someone recognize it, I cant even say anything just to deny it, so i just spoke and said "Yes, I like her".
When the day ends again, I look and search for her Facebook Account, then I succeed. I was very hapoy at that time cause I can talk to her.
3rd part to be continued after 1 day.

My FaultTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang