You've got to be kidding me.

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"Riot. I have a little job for you." Mr. J waltzed in, flinging the door open in the process.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" I looked up from my bottle of Cabo Wabo tequila, raising my eyebrows at the green haired clown.

"I need you to drive down to the 51st street parking garage. Maroni's men are making some sort of deal with another party. I want to know whats going down."

So he wants me to spy on a trade? Couldn't his stupid goons do that?

"Okay. When is it happening?" I looked at my phone screen. It was 1:00 a.m. The late night trades are always the fun ones.

"30 minutes. Do not disappoint me." He turned on his heel and walked away, closing my door behind him.

I stood with a groan, wobbling slightly in my tipsy haze.

"God damn." I stabled myself, and looked through my closet. What to wear, what to wear.

I changed into my cage bra, white drape tank top, black cut offs, and thigh high high heel boots. I slipped into my well worn leather jacket, and strapped my gun harnesses to my thighs.

Once my glocks were strapped in, and I had my shot gun, I ran down stairs. In the garage sat my car, a matte black Range Rover.

Tearing down the street I made my way to 51st street, managing to dodge all patrol vehicles. A bunch of cops on my tail is the last thing I need.

Why is he making me do legwork? Perhaps he's punishing me for setting our newest member ablaze. Yeahhh he was pretty pissed about that, and I was left with new bruises to show for it, including a deep purple hand print shaped contusion across my throat. I like it though, bruises are my favorite marks on my body.

I found the parking garage, and parked on the third floor up, making sure to stay quiet. I walked quickly and quietly, making my way up to the fifth floor.

I hid behind a pillar by the security room, and watched as two Tahoes filled with the Chechen and his men pulled up.

What is the Chechen doing here? He isn't the type to do shady deals in an empty parking garage. So my question is; who is he meeting up with.

My question was quickly answered when two men stepped out of a white van, and opened the back. Three more men hopped out of the darkness in the back of the van.

"This," The Chechen started, referring to the Bat signal lighting up the sky, "Is why we bring dogs."

They opened the trunk of the truck, revealing two large Rottweilers. My breath hitched in my throat, and I tried desperately not to make any noises. If those dogs heard me, i'd have big problems on my hands.

The Chechen's men dragged a panicked man from their truck, throwing him on the ground. He screamed in fright, writhing on the cement.

"Look what your drugs did to my costumers!" He seemed displeased with whoever he was talking to. Only one drug I know of can do that to a person, but thats not possible. He isn't a criminal, just a psycho.

"Buyer beware...I told you my compound would take you places...I never said they'd be places you wanted to go." My suspicions were confirmed as that horribly familiar, complacent voice rang out.

You've got to be kidding me.

His tall slender figure stepped off the back of the van, clad in a grey suit with a matching gray tie. His dress shirt was the same hideous color as his mask.

"My business... Repeat customers." The Chechen's voice was hard to understand with his thick Russian accent, but I managed.

"If you dint like what I have to offer, you can buy from someone else. Assuming Batman left anyone for you to buy from." Crane sounded irritated, and his tone was calm with a hint of exasperation.

They Scream and They Cry >> (Scarecrow/OC fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ