Toy chica and Chica x Male! Reader

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I Stared at the doorway.. I just finished. Fixing mangle was easy. And I'm pretty excited for my 'Reward.' I'm hoping it's what I think it is. A sudden noise emmited from the hall , And I looked up to see chica and Chicki.

"Hi hun~" Toy chica said, Swaying her hips.

I gulped

"Hi honey~" Chica said, Her southern accent poked through. They both swayed into the office and chica sat on the desk, Chicki.. Sat on my lap. She began to kiss me.

All the sudden she stopped, And Chica and her stood up. They pushed me to the ground.. Now I had noticed chica without her bib or clothes on. Toy chica slipped her bib and Shorts off. Chica unzipped my pants, And all the sudden I felt a warmth around my dick.

She took my dick in whole, I moaned. "C-chica!" I said. Damn these girls.. Chicki walked over to my face, She squatted down and sat on my face. A surge of pleasure shot through my body and I stuck my tongue all the way into Chicki, Who moaned loudly in pleasure.. The only thing was, How is this fare? I mean Chicki isn't gonna have a dick.

As if reading my mind, She pulled out a fake dick.. Or dildo.. She stepped off of me, And inserted herself. She leaned over and grabbed a controller.. Turning a switch on, The dildo started to vibrate.

"Mmmhh!" She yelled, Small moans came from chica. They began to pick up the pace, I felt a large orgasm coming..

"Girls! I'm cumi-" It shot out, And they both came aswell.. We laid down in a mess of cum.

"That *pant* was the best *pant* reward ever."

"Yes it was."

Fnaf lemon's!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum