Sasuke Journal

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Dear Journal,

I don't know why the f**k am writing this. I got 200 or 210 of these from the hidden leaf village girls for christmas persent. I got Gaara sand then he had s*x with it idk why he did. Naruto got me a new sword good thing because my other one was a bomb from Itachi. I gave Itachi a card that say you can suck my d**k you d*****s b***h you can go f**k youtself at night love sasuke lol. I got naruto a picture of hinata naked he got a huge b****r right in front of me. that was the uumm....... I think the worst wait uumm.... no the worst and best christmas ever I think bye.

P.S. I'm going burn this journal hahahaha

P.S.S. I have s*x with hinata and she loved it and where going out

P.S.S.S. jk jk jk, but f**k you 

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