Scribble and Sasuke get drunk at Temari's

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Sasuke-I'm bored what you want to do?

Scribble-well i bought 100 vodka bottles with out your permission

Temari-ok let's hurry before Garra and Naruto picks us up for the movie

Sasuke-wait what movie were watching 

Scribble-uumm... I think twlight

Sasuke-Which one???

Scribble-breaking dawn

Temari-(yes the final movie am so excited)-takes vodka and drinks-

Scribble-And ps i bought that with your money

Sasuke-wtf scribble stop useing my credit cards some day I'm going to punch the crap out of you!!!

Scribble-I can't wait for that day

Temari-shut up and drink

-everyone drinks-

Sasuke-throws up and falls on Temari-

Scribble-trys to hit sasuke with bottle, but hits Temari cat-

Temari- are you ok Mr. Whisckers???

Sasuke-I think he's dead

Temari-I thought it was a she???

Scribble-Sasuke I thought I was.....I was - faints-

Temari-gets crack out of no where and smokes with sasuke-

Sasuke-throws up on scribble and mr. whisckers-

-Door opens-

Garra and Naruto- lets go already!


Naruto-takes Temari's crack- what???

Gaara-nothing(I never knew naruto was a drugy???)

Naruto-lest skip the movie and have s*x

Gaara-are you drunk?

Naruto-Shut up Sakura


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