The First Date

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Ingrid's Apartment...

It was 5:30 Ingrid was beginning to get ready for her date at 8:00, but right now she couldn't focus long enough to complete even her everyday makeup routine. Her stomach was in knots with her mind going to the worst case scenario.

You can do this. You came out to your Cat and your Mom. What is one little date? It doesn't have to mean anything and worst case scenario you just make up an excuse and leave. Boys aren't that different from girls. Hold up they are a lot different. I could care about boys without getting all jittery inside. Right now I feel like I'm about to explode.

Ingrid hears a knock on the door and is suddenly brought back to reality. She rushes to the door and sees Cat smiling waiting to be invited inside.

"Hey I thought you might be nervous for your big date and thought maybe I could help," Cat says.

"Oh my gosh yes I'm so nervous thank you so much its like you read my mind," Ingrid squeaks as she pulls Cat in for a big hug.

Meanwhile at Hannah's house...

"Dude this is my first date in forever. What if she doesn't like me?"

"What is there not to like! God damn girl you're the fucking lesbian queen of the internet every girl wants to fuck you," exclaims Mamrie.

"And if something goes incredibly wrong you can always write her an incredibly long and thoughtful email afterwords," adds Grace in between sips of Mamrie's new YDAD cocktail.

"One time, one fucking time, and my friends at the time said it was a good idea."

"Yeah well they fucking lied," Grace mumbles.

"Listen Hart everything is going to be alright go get in your little lesbian couture and fake some confidence. We all need you to get laid so you will stop fucking moping around," says Mamrie leading Hannah to get ready.

"Thanks Mames and fuck you Smellbig."

Hannah gets ready and drives to the restaurant that the pair agreed to meet at earlier. She still had butterflies in her stomach but she rationalized that as first date jitters.

Ingrid's POV...

After putting on a simple but elegant dress and putting on enough makeup to make an impression but not look showy, Ingrid began to drive to the restaurant for the date, suddenly, however, Ingrid felt like this wasn't such a great idea. What if someone from the community saw her and outed her before she had a chance to do it herself? What if her jitters got the best of her and she just couldn't talk? Ingrid's head was full of what if's as she pulled into the restaurant parking lot.

I'm just going to go for it. Ingrid got out of the car and walked straight up to the booth that her beautiful blonde date was sitting in.

"Hello, Kathryn? I'm Ingrid," Ingrid blurted out instantly.

"Oh so you must be my gorgeous date for this evening. Nice to meet you Ingrid."

The combination of what Kathryn said and her British accent immediately made Ingrid's face turn a crimson red shade.

Ingrid sat down and the two girls instantly started talking about their different careers. Luckily Kathryn had heard about YouTube so Ingrid did not have to explain what being a "YouTuber" meant. Everything seemed to be going rather smoothly until a young fangirl came up to their booth and asked for Ingrid's autograph. Ingrid instantly froze, she always loved meeting her fans, but she was so paranoid of being outed that at first she didn't know how to react. Thankfully the girl didn't seem to notice the fact that Ingrid was on a date at all. All seemed to be going smoothly again until she heard it. A squeal. A massive squeal from the front of the restaurant.


Ingrid was beginning to have a minor panic attack. There were tons of restaurants in LA and it just happened that one of her fans and Hannah Hart happened to be eating at the same restaurant on the same day. She knew she should've waited until she had come out to more people but Cat had encouraged her to do some internet dating she just didn't think she would've met someone so perfect for her so quickly. She couldn't just get up and leave the date so she decided she would just be more careful. Worse case scenario Hannah would just find out. She would be understanding, right?

The First Date: A Hangrid StoryWhere stories live. Discover now