Night Out

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When Ingrid got into the Uber she could tell that Hannah was already a little bit tipsy.

"Sorry Grid Mames made me a cool new cocktail that she said I had to try. I promise though we are going to find you an awesome girl tonight."

I think I already found the perfect girl. Was what Ingrid wanted to say but instead she patted Hannah's knee and said, "Its ok I'm sure we will."

Ingrid and Hannah arrived at the bar and walked in ordering two vodka sodas. "So you see any ladies you're interested in?" Hannah whispered into Ingrid's ear.

Ingrid scanned the bar and instantly saw a tall, blonde haired girl that was beautiful. "What about her," Ingrid said pointing in the girl's direction.

Hannah started to laugh, "Of course."

"What?" Ingrid said.

"Um her name is Jessica and we hooked up for awhile."

"Ok what about her," Ingrid said pointing to another girl.

"Yep I've dated her too."

"I meant for me but that answers the question too I guess. Are there anyone beautiful girls here that you haven't hooked up with."

"Other than you, no," Hannah said with a smirk.

With a sigh Ingrid said, "Play your cards right and that might change." Ingrid said grabbing Hannah's hand and leading her to dance.

Ingrid and Hannah danced and laughed for hours taking breaks when the slower songs played to get more drinks. That was until John Mayer's Who you Love played.

"Are we going to go get more drinks?" Ingrid asked pulling away from Hannah.

"Oh no not this time. This time we dance," Hannah said grabbing Ingrid by the hand and pulling her close, placing her hands on Ingrid's hips and swaying back and forth to the music. Ingrid wrapped her hands around the slightly taller girl's neck and rested her head on Hannah's shoulder.

As the song was beginning to towards the end Hannah whispered into Ingrid's ear, "Hey lets go sit down for a bit and talk."

"Ok," Ingrid said taking Hannah's hand and heading towards a table with two stools.

The girls took their seats and Hannah began to talk.

"Hey so I was just thinking that its getting pretty late and we are getting pretty drunk so we should probably get the Uber back home. Sorry we weren't able to find anyone for you here. Another time."

"Yeah it is getting a little late, but we should definitely do this again. I had a lot of fun Hannah."

The pair called their Uber and went to wait outside. There was an awkward silence for awhile until Hannah finally spoke up. "So do you have any more questions for me?"

"No not particularly."

"Oh ok then," Hannah said staring at her feet not knowing how or why the situation had gotten so awkward.

In an almost whisper Ingrid said, "Han."

"Yeah Grid," Hannah said looking up to meet Ingrid's eyes.

"Han. I lied I do have one more question. What should I do if I really, really, really want to kiss an amazing girl but she may or may not feel the same way."

"It depends, do I know this girl?"

"I think you might know her better than anyone."

"Well seeing as I know her better than anyone I say just go for it. She definitely feels the same way."

Ingrid wrapped her arms around the back of Hannah's neck and pulled her close to her. Their lips finally meeting for a soft, sweet kiss, their lips moving in perfect synchronicity. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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