When You Don't Like The Way You Look: Scott, Stiles & Liam Imagine

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Scott: You were trying to find the perfect outfit for your date with Scott. But you hated how everything looked on you. That colour didn't go, or that pants made you look fat. Without you even noticing, Scott arrived and entered your room. "Hey (Y/N)," He smiles at you. "Scott," You say before freezing, "Is it already 7?" He looks at his watch before replying, "Actually it's 7:05 now."

"Oh," You blush before looking at your appearance, "I don't think I can go out tonight. You frown. "Why?" He asks concerned, "Are you okay?" "No, everything makes me look fat!" You exclaim before sighing. Scott laughs and you glare at him. "Sorry!" He holds his hands up in a surrender motion, still laughing, "You're think you're fat. Are you kidding me? You're fucking gorgeous!" You blush while he stops laughing and stares at you. He captures his lips with yours before breaking away. "And if you need me to prove it to you, I'll be happy to," He grins and you kiss him sloppily.


Stiles: Stiles was coming over for pizza and a movie, so you wanted the perfect comfy/casual/hot outfit. Unfortunately nothing in your closet fits the description. "Ugh!" You exclaim. "What's wrong babe?" Stiles asks you concerned. "Nothing," You lie smoothly. "You're lying," He says smirking at you. You glare at him for knowing you so well. He laughs before pecking you on your lips, "You look really cute when you glare." You glare at him harder for saying that before you both burst out laughing.

"So what's wrong?" He asks. "Fine," You sigh. "Nothing looks good on me," You say softly but Stiles catches it anyway. "Everything looks good on you," He replies sincerely, "Because you're beautiful and gorgeous and amazing And best of all you're my girl." You blush under his intense stare. He then smiles and waggled his eyebrows and says flirtatiously, "You're right nothing does look good on you." You laugh at his innuendo. You kiss him sweetly before shoving him out the door so you can change.


Liam: You looked in the mirror and you usually liked what you saw, or atleast you were okay with it. Except this time, it was different. You felt fat and ugly and neck was weird and you just hated everything. You were so distracted that you didn't even notice Liam come in and see you in front of the mirror. He stand behind you and wraps his arms around you waist. You jump in shock, because you didn't realize he was there. "Babe, you okay?" He asks, his voice full of concern and worry, "You seem a bit distracted."

You sigh at his sweetness. How did someone like you end up with someone as good looking as him. What you didn't realize was that you said that aloud. "Because you're absolutely beautiful." He replies smiling. You only realize now that you said that out loud. You shake your head in disagreement. He holds one of your hands and lifts your chin up with the other. He looks deep into your eyes and says sincerely, "Tu es belle." He brings your face to his and captures your lips. You melt into the kiss and giggle before asking him, "What does that mean?" "You," He looks at you emphasizing the 'You', "Are beautiful." He kisses you again, "Every part of you is beautiful. Don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise. Not even yourself. Okay? And anytime you ever think you're not good enough, just remember, tu es belle."

Tu es belle became your favourite words and your mantra, they never failed to remind you of the best thing that ever happened to you. And that was Liam Dunbar.


Author's Note: So what do you guys think?

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