My Wish Comes True

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Densi's POV:
Well so me,Raven,and Ashley had bought a lot of junk. Well at least they did. I bought a mini backpack(to put my stuff in) and a lot of Lagravis merchandises. And some $50 ITune Cards. I looked at my Lagravis watch,that I bought, it read 5:33 p.m. Luckily we were just exiting the mall. "Hey girls. I'm gonna go head home. I'm tired." I told Raven and Ashley. "That Daylight Savings Time change has really made you tired huh." Ashley told me and we all chuckled. Yesterday,we had Daylight Savings Time change so it becomes dark very soon. Like it's already almost super dark. "I'm gonna head home. Luckily we ate at the mall. Cause as soon as I get home. I'm going to bed." I told them. "Okay bye Ashley." Both of the girls told me and we both hugged each other and waved each other bye. We then all went out ways to our car. I stepped into the car and drove back home. I arrived in about 10 minutes. I parked my moms Honda in the garage and grabbed my mini backpack that has all of my Lagravis stuff in. I walked up the long stairs that lead up the house. I then walked inside and found my parents and sister still watching TV. "Hey honey! Did you have fun?" My mom asked me. "Yes I did. I'm tired but I ate at the mall so I'm good." I told them. "Ok Hun. You can go to bed now." My dad told me. I nodded and walked down the hall to my bedroom. I shutted my bedroom door behind me and got dressed in my pajamas. And they are Lagravis pajamas. As you can say, I'm a huge fan of Lagravis. I might even be his biggest fan. I really don't know. But I hope to meet him hopefully. I then went to sleep thinking about me meeting Lagravis.

I suddenly woke up to a gust of wind blowing on me. Strange. I didn't leave my window open. I suddenly realized that I wasn't even in my bedroom! I was outside on the ground. I opened my eyes all the way and I panickly got up. I looked around and realized that I was in a forest! I then saw something in a opening of the forest. I walked toward the opening and it showed the Lion Temple! I gasped and covered my mouth in shock. Lagravis lives here! How can I be here?! My heart is still beating in shock and excitement. I looked down at my clothing and realized I was still in my pajamas from last night. I did three deep breaths and gathered my confidence to go over there. And I did. I then began walking out of the forest and towards the temple. I then remembered that all of the lions are in there real life form tomorrow!In the distance I saw two lion guards. It was Longtooth and Leonides! And they were exchanging romantic looks. Aw,they are so cute together. I then began walking up the steps to were I would be a couple feet from Longtooth and Leonides. I then reached up the stairs and both of them gained eye contact towards me. "It's you! From the time were we both told you and your friends,Raven and Ashley, stories and tales!" Leonides exclaimed to me. I smiled and said to him:Yep that's me! "How did you wind up here...Densi? That's your name right? Sorry I'm not much of a big remembrance of names." Longtooth told me. "Oh it's okay and yes Densi is my name. I don't know how I got here. I just went to sleep back at home and I woke up in that forest in front of your temple." I told them while pointing behind me. "Hmm.." Leonides said while rubbing his chin as he is thinking. "I got nothing." Leonides told me as he was probably trying to figure out how I got here. Longtooth started examining my pajamas. "So you a fan of Lagravis?" Longtooth asked me. "Uh duh! Me,Raven,and Ashley always watch him. I got like a lot of merchandises and shirts of him. I hope I don't sound like a stalker." I told them. "Oh no don't worry Lagravis won't think that. There are girls out there who are crazy in the head about Lagravis." Leonides explained to me. "Like this one girl who met all three of us at Six Flags, she kept following us around. We finally lost her when we got off of a ride that was super crowded." Longtooth explained to me. "Wow she sounds crazy." I told them. "She sure was." A deep familiar voice said that came from behind Leonides and Longtooth. It was..Lagravis! Oh my god Densi please don't scream out loud to were the other tribes will hear you. I felt myself getting hot though. "Are you Densi?" Lagravis asked me. Omg he knows my name!! "Y-Yes. Has Leonides and Longtooth told you about m-me? Sorry if I'm stuttering. I'm just a huge fan of you and I can't believe I'm meeting you right now." I told Lagravis still trying not to scream of fangirlness. "It's fine,and yes they both told me about you and your two friends Raven and Ashley. Sorry if I wasn't there that day when you met them both." Lagravis apologized to me. "Oh it was okay I understand if you were busy or sick whatever really. But I'm glad I'm meeting you right now!" I said while jumping up and down with glee. Lagravis chuckled and he checked his watch. I saw on my wrist that I still had my Lagravis watch on. He had the same exact watch on. "It's time to upload a video." Lagravis said out loud. He posts videos at 10:00 a.m and at 3:00 p.m. It's morning so it would be about 10:00 a.m. "Would you like to join me in the video,Densi?" Lagravis asked me. I gasped in joy. "S-Sure!" I exclaimed in joy. I actually am excited right now. I followed Lagravis,Longtooth,and Leonides inside the temple and into Lagravis's recording room. "We are gonna be playing Five Nights At Freddy's 4." Lagravis told me as he helped me set up and telling me what to do. "Yay! I love that game!" Longtooth exclaimed with confidence. "Aw man really? Do you remember last time when we played the third game?" Leonides asked everyone. "I watched y'all play it. Sorry that they made you play it." I told Leonides. "Thanks. I hope to survive the fourth game according to the trailer." Leonides mumbled at the last part which made me giggle. I realized that Lagravis sat next to me. Like really close to me. Not that I'm clostaphobic or anything it's just that I'm still trying not to fangirl still. "You ready?" Lagravis asked everyone. We all exclaimed Yes except for Leonides who said yes quietly. I'm guessing he don't like Five Nights At Freddy's that much. I love the games so much. I hope the fourth one is just as good. "3..2..1" Lagravis counted down. "Hello all of my lionettes! And today we welcome you to a special guest! Densi." Lagravis said starting his intro of the video. I looked into the Webcam and waved hello to everyone. "And we are playing Five Nights At Freddy's 4! The game y'all requested so much lately. But we are here with the game! Let's go!" Lagravis exclaimed as we pressed New Game on the computer. "I can't believe I'm here right now. I should have pretended that I was sick today." Leonides said which made all of us laugh. "Well I can tell if you are sick or not babe. Cause I'm the doctor of the temple. So I can tell you this right now,that you are not sick." Longtooth told Leonides. That made me giggle. On the computer screen it read 5 Days Until The Party. "Party? What party?" I said. "I don't know,Densi. Hopefully we will find out." Lagravis told me. Suddenly,it showed up a mini game. We were playing as a boy who was crying? There was a pile of the main animatronics on the corner of the floor. "I'm  so confused right now!" Longtooth exclaimed. "Me too." I told them. Lagravis led the child around his room. "Oh look there is a Golden Freddy plushie on the boys bed!" Leonides told us while pointing to the screen. There was one just like Leonides said. "And it's watching us as we move." I stiffly said. Lagravis moved the boy up to his door and it was locked. But there was knocking on the door. "I think the boy is trying to get out. Which means his door is locked!" Lagravis exclaimed. Weird. Then after some of the boy knocking, the boy got on the floor,holding his knees,and started crying a lot more. Then there was text on the screen that read Tomorrow is a new day. And the screen went black but came back to a grey screen were it showed a bed with Freddy Fazbear plushie on the bed and on the corner it read Night 1. "Whoo! Let's do this!" Longtooth exclaimed. "I'm scared babe." Leonides told Longtooth. "I'm right here babe." Longtooth told Leonides and gave him a peck on the lips. I smiled at them cause I think that they are so cute with each other. The screen came up to were in front of us was a white closet and we had a flashlight on. There was boxes that read on how to play the game and such. "Okay I got it all." Lagravis said. "Oooh I'm excited!" I exclaimed. "So we have to check the closet,the left door,the right door,and behind us. And I read somewhere were that if you don't check one of the doors and if you look behind you and back forward,then a Nightmare Animatronic will get you." Lagravis told us. "Well thanks for telling us that!" Leonides said while already holding on to Longtooth. "It's okay Leonides. I've had nightmares about this game before. But I love horror and such but yeah it's okay. Just remember that it's fake." I told him. "Ok thanks Densi. I feel a lot more calm and less stressed now." Leonides told me. "Your welcome." I told him. Lagravis then clicked on the left door and the character we are playing as ran to the door and it opened. But there was a box that read :If you hear breathing,then close the door. If you don't,then flash your flashlight." "Alright got it." Lagravis said and he flashed his flashlight down the hallway and there was nothing. Then Lagravis made his character run back to were we were before. "We got this in the bag y'all." Lagravis said.

It was 3am(in the game) and nothing has happened yet. "Lagravis be careful this is were the time were the animatronics come out." I told him. "Okay thanks for pointing that out,Densi." Lagravis told me. But when Lagravis made his character turn around, there was suddenly a mini brown Freddy but it disappeared when we flashed the flashlight on him. I jumped and Leonides jumped. This is gonna be a long game.

We all screamed in fear as we got jumpscared by Nightmare Bonnie. "I think that's enough for today." Lagravis said. We all nodded very fastly. "Alright that's it for this morning lionettes! See y'all in the next video. Bye!" Lagravis said as he did his outro. We all waved into the Webcam. And we all stopped our Webcams. "That was fun." I said. "For once I had fun with this game." Leonides said which made all of us laugh. "Your welcome to stay with us Densi as long as you want to." Lagravis told me. "Thanks." I told him and we both shared a hug. His hug was so warm. I didn't want to let go. And Lagravis didn't let go until I did. I can't believe my wish came true! I'm just wondering how Raven,Ashley,and my parents and sister are doing..

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