The Strange Feeling

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Natsu's P.O.V.

I get the strange feeling that Sting and Rogue have been watching me and staring at me a lot more over the past two months I think as I continue my search for Cobra. And when I talked to them earlier, once they saw me they started to blush. I have no clue what is going on with them. And its starting to creep me out. My thoughts are interrupted as I bump into something. I look up and see a frowning Cobra. I smile and say, "Hey Cobra. I've been looking everywhere for you. I need to ask you something."

He looks at me frowning then growls the question, "What is it? Come on spit it out. I don't got all day."

I respond still smiling, " Gajeel, Wendy, Laxus, Sting, Rogue, and I are forming a dragon-slayer only team and we want you to join too. We can be the strongest team in the guild if you join. So what do you say?"

He stands there thinking for a moment before saying, "Sure. It could be fun."

"Great," I say with a smile." Come to my apartment tomorrow at 4 o'clock for our first meeting. See you later!" I run off to go tell the others then go to my house to prepare for the next day.

Time Skip to the next day:

I just finished setting up all the food and cleaning up for today's meeting. I hope that everyone will like what I cooked for them. I also hope that we won't break out fighting each other, yelling or something like that. I snap out of my thoughts hearing a knock at the door. I get up and open it. Standing on the other side is Sting and Rogue with some food they brought for the meeting. I quickly welcome them and usher them into the sitting room. I take the food to the kitchen and go back out and sit on the floor facing them. They are staring at me again. And the look in their eyes is creeping me out. It's so full of love, lust and want. I am going to assume that it's directed at me. I start to feel uncomfortable with the awkward silence when another knock at the door gives me a good reason to get away from the awkward silence of the sitting room.

"Hi Gajeel, Wendy, Laxus, and Cobra. Follow me to the sitting room and we can start the meeting." I say ushering them to where Sting and Rogue are.

Time Skip to end if meeting:

Everyone had left and I was finishing cleaning up the mess we made. I still felt uncomfortable because the entire time everyone was here Sting and Rogue never took their eyes off me. I am starting to get the feeling they have a crush on me. I am so confused. What should I do. If I don't say something soon it will only get worse. I think to myself as I throw out the last of the garbage. I get ready for bed and hopefully a good night sleep. But once I fell asleep Sting's and Rogue's faces haunted all of my dreams. Throughout the night I woke up in a cold sweat because of a recurring nightmare I have been having for the longest time. Perhaps since I joined the guild after Igneel left me alone in the woods to fend for myself. Leaving not a trace of his existence.

Author's note:
Well here is chapter 3. Srry for the lack of dialogue but it would have been a super long chapter if I did dialogue for the entire meeting. So till next time my kitties. I'll be updating tomorrow. And the nightmare will be mentioned again in a later chappy! Yay!

Sting x Natsu x Rogue: The love triangle of the centuryWhere stories live. Discover now