Chapter 14 :

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Sorry for the very very late update guys (NOT THAT ANYONE CARES rlly)

But yeah, my Granny died and I didn't feel like writing anything at all.

But yeah I'm Back!

Enjoy the update(s)





When Marcel closed his eyes, he was still in his car with blood running down his face. He heard people outside, screaming. He even heard a baby cry and he tried to scream, he tried to call his brothers. He used all of his strength to try and call them. Turns out the only thing that came out of his mouth was a tiny little whisper.

"Something's wrong with Marcel. He doesn't answer my texts and my calls" Edward said looking at Harry with a worried look. Louis was in the kitchen, cooking some pancakes. Pancakes were his life.

"I...Ed.." Harry looked up at him with watery eyes and a broken voice. He just got a call from the hospital. "H-He got in a car crash and.."

"No." Edward yelled. "No that can't be happening. He's my baby brother he's strong.." He ran outside to his car and drove to where is brother was. Even though he had no idea at all. All his senses were fucked up. He felt weird and he thought he was losing his mind. This couldn't be hapening, he loves his brother so much and he was pretty sure Harry and Louis loved Marcel too. Deep in his thoughts, he didn't notice the tears that started to go down his cheeks. He had to be strong for Marcel. So he drove faster and parked at the only hospital they had in town. He literally ran inside and asked where is brother was.

"Room 214, Mister Styles. But you have to be careful, he isn't awa-" The blonde woman didn't have the time to finish her sentence and Edward was already on his way to the room 214.

Once he got in he ran to his brother's bed and sobbed. "You can't do that to me Marcel..You can't. You know damn well I'm nothing without you. We're nothing without you.." He looked up at his brother, eyes full of tears.

"Uhm, Edward Styles,yes?" A doctor called for him.

"Yes. That's me. What's wrong with my brother. Please tell me he isn't going to die." Edward looked up at them, eyes red. He was crying like an idiot but he didn't care. At this point, the only thing he wanted was his brother to wake up and unfortunately, he knew that wasn't possible.

"So, Edward.. Your brother hit his head quite hard against the wheel, But this isn't the worst thing. He had stitches because he cut his head open, and the head is fine. So is the brain. Nothing happened up there.. But he might me paraplegic, he might never be able to walk again, sir..."

That's when he completely broke down. He started yelling and even tried to punch the doctor. His reaction was horrible, and everyone knew no one could control him. Edward was a strong alpha, so everyone got out of his way and let him run outside the hospital.

Louis was in their room, looking at Harry who was quietly trying to sob. It didn't work though, he heard him when he was downstairs, in their kitchen. He walked over to Harry, sitting on his lap and kissing his cheek. "Baby" he whispered.

"H-he is in coma Louis.. I should have felt it.. I should have known something was going on but I didn't fell anything Louis. I'm such a shitty boyfriend, a shitty Alpha, and a shitty brother to him.

"No sh, baby you're none of that. You're perfect. But the thing I don't understand is why aren't you on your way to the hospital..He needs you, love." Louis tried to sooth his brother. He tried to help instead of getting affected by his Alpha and start to cry.

"I'll break down in front of him.. I can't see him die.." Harry answered his mate. He was pretty sure he knew the answer to his own question, but he answered Louis anyway. He knew he shouldn't be crying in front of his mate, he shouldn't even be sad around him. It wasn't good for the Omega's health. But he didn't give a single fuck. His brother was dying and he needed to go see him.

So he got up and looked Louis in the eye.

"You're staying here."

And Harry was already gone, leaving Louis in a mess of tears, sobs, and cries. He needed Marcel as much as the two alpha brothers did, but they didn't get that.

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