Chapter 18

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Alex sat on a low tree branch, chewing on the last piece of morning bread whilst she watched the horses being prepared for the next leg of their trip. They would be at Dragon's Jaw within a few hours, probably by midday. Depending on how things went they might be able to leave for Serpensbane by the evening, but as she wasn't sure what she would find it was difficult to be sure. It could take them days to even find the stones, as they were surely hidden somehow. Even so, she was excited. From what she had heard already this was going to be a great discovery beyond anything the Order had seen for centuries. There hadn't really been any new developments for a long time, besides stumbling upon the occasional ancient artifact with an interesting arrangement of conduits. A new form of dragonstone, or something very similar, would be phenomenal. She had already seen that even tiny dragonstones taken from the site were of excellent quality, so even if there wasn't anything besides them there then she would still be finding quite the treasure.

She jumped down and had a look around the carriages. During the trip Alex had gotten to know most of her new companions, even if only briefly. For the most part they didn't seem particularly interested in conversation, with the notable exception of Miles who had countless stories to tell.

"Not long to go now." Rain said as he approached her. He seemed to have made more of an effort with his appearance for their arrival at Dragon's Jaw, wearing fine black robes instead of his usual stained cotton. Aside from being shaved as well he also looked cleaner than normal, something Alex had come to realise was difficult to achieve in this part of the world. "You'll 'ave those jewels in a few hours."

"Yes." She smiled. "Thanks to you. Thank you so much for your help, all of you."

"Forget it." Rain chuckled with a wave of his hand, but his grin betrayed his humility. "It's been good to have you with us."

She noticed that his gaze lingered on her for a little while longer than normal as he spoke.

"Really, I mean it. Obviously you've been useful but you're a lovely person too. I've liked your company, we all have." He added.

"Thanks, but I don't think that's exactly true." She laughed uncomfortably as she thought of a certain someone who'd taken an instant dislike to her, although she was pleased that Rain seemed to like her at the very least.

"Oh, she's just... territorial. She'll come round soon enough." Rain picked up immediately on who she meant. Alex still wasn't sure what Rose's problem was, but she didn't seem as hostile as she had at first. Besides, she saved Alex's life, so things couldn't be that bad. It must have taken a lot of effort for her too, considering how long Alex was out and the exhaustion she still endured. Alex froze for a moment as she realised that it might have been Rose's plan to do just enough to look like she was trying but still let her die. She shook her head quickly and brushed her paranoia away.

"Problem?" Rain said, picking up on her unease. Judging by his expression he was deeply concerned by her discomfort, despite there surely only being a small hint of it.

"No, it's nothing." Alex said truthfully. She had to stop letting these baseless fears get the better off her, but in unfamiliar land it hard to know what was realistic and what wasn't.

"Good. But really, it's been great having you with us. You've been a huge asset to group, a skilled fighter, wonderful to be around..." He stared at her almost longingly. "And even good with those kids at the feast."

"Wow, well thanks." Alex squirmed slightly, unsure of what to make of the praise being heaped upon her. "You're not so bad either... I guess." She added, grinning wickedly and trying to lighten the mood.

"So what's your plan for the jewels once we have them?" He said, getting back to the issue at hand.

"Well, take them to Serpensbane as quickly as I can. They'll probably put them on weapons and accessories, and then we defend ourselves against Capital Tower." She explained, hoping it wasn't already too late for that.

"Will they take you back? They did kick you out, after all. Will some jewels really change their minds? Why not just take them for themselves and ditch you again?"

"Of course they'll take me back in." She said, though with a hint of hesitation. "They'll have to. That was the agreement."

"Okay. Well, it'll be nice to see your family and friends again, right?"

"I don't really have any." Alex said, not really wanting to get back to that topic. "My family's gone... I have a few friends I never see, mostly I knew people within the Order but never got too personally involved with anyone."

Ava was the closest thing she had to a real friend, she supposed. She had her fellow sorcerers in the Order who she got along with, but didn't really think of them as anything more than people to kill time with.

"That's a shame." Rain sighed but sounded insincere, as if that was what he had wanted to hear.

"It doesn't need to be like that, you know." Rain gazed at her again and brushing the hair from her face.

"What do you mean?" She asked with a puzzled frown, involuntarily flinching a little at the unexpected contact.

"Well, all of us here like you, especially me. You're incredible, really. You're brave, talented and even powerful. You're a great friend to have and I can't believe they wouldn't see that. You even saved my life! Alexia, Alex, please stay with us. You could travel wherever you like with friends who care about you, surely that's better than helping people who won't have you unless you prove your worth to them. We all want you to, and me most of all. I love you Alex, I love you so much. Stay with us and we can start a new life together. Without getting thrown out to die for trying to help, without people snubbing your friendship, without being stuck in some stone walls... We can be your family, where you'll be loved and appreciated for the rest of your life."

Alex froze again as she let it all sink in. Where had that come from? The shock was mind numbing, the quest that had just been at the forefront of her mind was suddenly a vague and neglected memory. She'd had no idea Rain felt that way. How long had he? And could she really leave Serpensbane for him? He was certainly convincing. The council hadn't exactly treated her well, throwing her out instead of seeing any possibility that she had a reason for her actions despite having known that she was dedicated and loyal. Rain and the rest of the tribe were the complete opposite of that, going out of their way to help her at every turn before they had even gotten to know her. But she barely knew them, even Rain who was indeed a good friend. And despite how he apparently felt about her, she didn't feel the same. Did she? She definitely liked him and the more she thought about it the more she decided they could be well suited, but that didn't mean she loved him.

"Oh... wow." Alex gasped, lost for words despite the thoughts shooting through her mind.

"Well?" He smiled. He had been so kind and maybe she did want to be with him after all. But at that moment she had no idea how she really felt, the suddenness of the declaration had left her numb. Asking her to travel with them and forget Serpensbane was one thing, but what about if she didn't feel the same for Rain? And could she really break his heart after all he'd done for her? Then again, there was no denying that she cared about him. Maybe she did care more than she realised.

"Well?" He said, leaning towards her and taking hold of her arm. "Will you?"

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