First day of classes/First quidditch game/End of Term

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The next day was the first day of classes. I woke up early took a shower and put my makeup on. I dried and straightened my hair and pulled on my Slytherin beanie. I waited for Pansy and then we went to eat breakfast. On the way there the quidditch captain stopped Draco, Blaise, and I. Pansy waited down the hall for us.

"When you get a chance today or even if you have the time right now you guys need to come pick up your uniforms and play books from me." He said. We beckoned for Pansy to come with us. We followed him over to the quidditch field and to the Slytherin tower. He handed us our uniforms and play books. We threw them in our bags and ran off to the great hall for breakfast before class. We all sat and pulled out our class lists to see if we were together in anything. We all had Advanced Potions together, Blaise and I had Magical Creatures together, Draco and I had Defense Against the Dark Arts together, and then we all had Herbology together. When we finished eating we walked off to Advanced Potions. We all gathered around one of the desks. Professor Horace Slughorn came in and began class. Granger was in our class but that was it of her and her friends. Ron and Harry ran into the class a few minutes late. Our assignment was to brew a draft of living death. Even following the directions, it was impossible. Only one kid in the class managed to do it and no surprisingly it wasn't Granger. It was Harry Potter. Slughorn made a huge deal about Potter getting it right which we all had to sit and watch. Slughorn dismissed the class and we all walked outside.

"Bet you loved that didn't you Potter, being the golden boy of the class" Draco said.

"Why don't you four losers go get a life instead of bother Hermione, Harry and I?" Ron said. I rolled my eyes. Blaise laughed at Ron. It was too easy to pick on the Weasley's they had seven kids and could only really afford one. We all walked away, Draco noticed some guy staring at Pansy and he quickly wrapped his arm around her shoulders. I never saw Draco get protective of Pansy like that, maybe it was a sign he was starting to feel the same way about her. Draco and Pansy split from Blaise and I to go to their next class. Blaise and I still had a bit of time to kill so we walked down to the black lake and sat by it.

"Did you see Draco get all protective back there?" Blaise asked laying down in the grass.

"Yeah it was pretty funny but I'm sure Pansy loved it. Bout time they got together" I said laying down next to him. I heard two familiar voices behind us. It was Weasley and Potter.

"Aw Ron look they're on a date, kind of a sad date for two people of such high status isn't it?" Potter laughed. I stood up and walked towards them but Blaise pulled me back.

"They're not worth it" he said. "Especially Weasley." Blaise and I made our way over to Hagrid's hut for magical creatures. We sat on a tree stump and waited for class to start. I laid my head on his shoulder again, but this time to my surprise he wrapped his arm around me. Potter and Weasley walked to Hagrid's hut, we were hoping they weren't in our class. When they sat down on a different tree stump we knew they were. The rest of the class showed up and Hagrid showed up shortly after. The class went by really quickly. That was our last class for the day so we went to the great hall for dinner. We met up with Draco and Pansy. After we were done eating we all walked back to the common room. I laid on the one couch. Blaise looked at me, I lifted my head up so he could sit. I laid my head on his lap. Pansy and Draco gave us a weird look and then sat on the other couch. The head boy came in and called a house meeting. Blaise and I stood up and walked over to him.

"So this year Hogwarts will be hosting another ball, attendance is required it will be held after the Holiday break so when you go home for that make sure you get any clothes you need for that. That's all now off to bed all of you." He said going into his room. I remembered the last ball they did. It was two years ago. I didn't end up going because I had no one to go with, but now this one is required. Maybe I could go with Blaise, but I doubt that will happen. I said goodnight to Blaise and Draco and Pansy and I walked up to the girl's dorm. I braided my hair so it would be wavy the next morning.

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