Kings Cross/Train Ride/ Sorting Ceremony

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 The wizarding world is a difficult place to be, unless you're on top. My family is one of the more powerful pure blooded families in the wizarding world. However, that still doesn't protect us from being hurt. About a two years ago, my twin brother was dating this girl who appeared to be totally normal. However, after a while it was revealed to us that she was a muggle and ended up kidnapping my brother when he was asleep. She kept him locked up in a room without his wand. She kept and tortured him for a few weeks and then ended up murdering him. While his body was never found, we could tell he was gone. I lost a huge part of me that day. My brother and I were very close. We were the same house at Hogwarts and were pretty inseparable. I dug myself into a hole and stayed there all summer. The only people who were able to get through to me were my parents and three people from school. Those people are Draco, Blaise, and Pansy.

I woke up early on September 1st. It was my sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I got out of bed and walked to the shower, I quickly took a shower, got out and wrapped myself in a towel. I wrapped another towel around my hair, which was dirty blonde. I began putting on my make up, I usually did a natural colored eye shadow that made my eyes pop out in color. I took out my black eyeliner and did my usual winged eyeliner look. I added a white highlighter to my cheekbones and nose. I finished off with layers of mascara and a light red lipstick. I walked over to my closet and found a pair of black skinny jeans that had a few rips in them, a black v-neck, and my leather jacket. I pulled on the clothes and then grabbed my knee high boots, put them on, and laced them up. I straightened my hair quickly. I put all the stuff I'd need for the train in my messenger bag. I quickly looked back in the mirror to make sure I was good.

"Aidan! Are you ready to go?" my dad yelled up the stairs. I wheeled my trunk down the stairs, I grabbed Salazar, my owl, named after the founder of Slytherin, Once his cage was in the car I ran back into my house and grabbed my messenger bag and my guitar. We arrived at the train station about 20 minutes later. I said goodbye to my dad put my stuff on a trolley and went to platforms 9 and 10. I looked around and made sure no muggles were watching me. I ran straight at the brick wall in between 9 and 10 and arrived on platform 9 3/4. I walked my stuff to the drop off area, I grabbed my small bag and Salazar's cage and went to find Draco, Pansy, and Blaise. I walked around the platform alone until I saw Pansy looking for everyone.

"Pansy!" I yelled running over to her and hugging her.

"Hey! How was your break?" she asked. " I shrugged because it was really nothing special. She looked at me.

"Why do you always look so good?" she asked laughing.

"I don't know, makes me feel better about myself you know?" I said.

We saw the boys walking up, Draco looked like his typical self, white blonde hair, gray eyes, pale skin, wearing all black, and having a blank look on his face. Blaise followed behind, he was tall, with caramel coloured skin, his brown eyes had a soulless look to them, and like Draco he was wearing all black. When Pansy saw Draco she started fixing her hair and making sure it looked perfect. They finally made it over to us. Pansy threw herself on Draco, I looked at Blaise awkwardly. Blaise nodded at me then shifted his gaze down to meet mine and smiled at me. I smiled at him and blushed a little bit. Blaise and I have had an odd friendship I liked him and sometimes I felt like he felt the same then other times he just ignores me. We all got onto the train and found a compartment to sit in. Pansy sat next to Draco and I sat next to Blaise. Draco put his head in Pansy's lap which she looked more than happy with. I looked over at Blaise he was staring out the window with a blank expression.

"Blaise you okay?" I asked. He nodded not saying a word. I shrugged off his silence thinking it was nothing. About five hours later we arrived at the castle. It was just getting dark so some of the lights were on illuminating the castle. We boarded the carriages and all of us were silent the way to the castle but that was mostly because Potter, Weasley, and the Mudblood were with us. When we arrived at the castle I saw Blaise trip Potter saying it was an accident but I knew it wasn't. If they were fighting already it was going to be an interesting year. Once we were in the castle we all ran off to get changed into our Hogwarts uniforms. Once we were done we all met up at the entrance to the great hall.

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