chapter 14

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* Harry's pov *

Her question startled me

" why did you kiss me ? " she asked

Her eyes kept looking at me for an answer

" I - I .. " I stutter I don't know myself why I kissed her
I don't regret the kiss at all it was so sweet and pulled me to kiss her more

But I have no right to kiss her when I don't know why I kissed her

I feel like I was thinking for hours but only it's less than 2 minutes.
" honestly I don't know myself " I finally choke sighing at the end

She nods

" summer your a really great friend and I like you in someway but I m not so sure " I explain " your a beautiful girl anyone would want you. Heck I myself want you "
I sound like a dick that was do stupid reason

Good job styles

" harry it's okay you don't have to explain anything for me " she pulls a smile but turns to a frown

" I m done eating " she adds " I have to go I m late for nan "

I nod " cool I ll give you a ride "

We walk to my car and I. Drive her to her house

I stop the car infront of the huge gate

" thank you I m really glad you came " she smiles her cheeks are pink

" it's nothing .. I m glad myself " I assure smiling back

She opens the door then stops mid way staring at me then she hesitantly says " do you want to come in ? "

I grin sheepishly " I thought you would never ask "

She laughs heartedly
I give the keys to the gate man and I walk next to her

As soon we walk in she calls for her granny
" I think she s in the garden I ll be right back " she says walking to a back area

I wander around everything is so fancy and classy
I m starting to think maybe her grandma is some diplomacy or relatives with the president or something

My thought are cut by summers voice

" Nana this is Harry a friend from London he s staying in Rome for a day " summer introduces

I shake her hand " honor to meet you Madame Andrews "

" oh how sweet of you Henry " she smiles her age lines showing in her face
" it's harry " I correct smiling

" my apologies " she says summer mouths a 'sorry ' then her nan go on " summer darling please walk harry around and show him his room " she says " pleased to meet you harry " she says my name correctly

Then she walks away I stare at summer she smirks
" okay spit it " I huff

" well let's start with your staying your night here with us " she shrugs innocently

" what ? I am not going to stay here .. why did u do it summer ? " I say it's sweet of her but she can't I was going to stay in any hotel

" well shut your talking mouth and walk with me " she say / yell

She grabs my hand and pull me up the stairs
" so this is your room " she says the room is better than fancy hotel rooms " Uhm my room is in the other end of the hall "

I smirk then wink at her " so I ll be seeing you a lot "

I could see all her room from my balacony

" you can shower there s clean clothes and I ll meet u down at dinner in 30 mins " she says then leaves

I m soo having fun I plop on the queen sized bed


Phew ! Another update ;) enjoy

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