chapter 40

29 1 1

Oh my god I reached 30. Chapters at first I never thought I will ever finish this story ( I am still not sure how many more chapters I intend to write with the epilogue )

So enough un-useful rambling from me and here s the chapter

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* summers pov *

I have been sitting on this couch for I don't know how. ..

I watched a whole bunch of movies eating chips !

I am done packing my little stuff which mostly consists of skirts and blouses

I hear a key turn in the door lock I glare at the flat screen . Poor screen

I can feel Harry's intense glare on ny back

I rest my head on my right palm crossing my leg

He clears his throat " Summer "

I mentally groan . I don't look at him

" why did you leave ? " he asks .. I can feel him crossing his arms at his question

" I felt sick " I shrug still not looking at him

" and how are you now ? " he asks

I heave a sigh " I am better harry "

He doesn't sound slurry or tipsy maybe be didn't drink after all .
Still I am mad at him
God no I am not he can do whatever he wants . It's not like we're dating anymore . Right ?

" did some- .. " he starts

" what is that 20 questions a minute ? " I snap glaring at him now

His face was yellow and pale

" are you okay ? " my mouths speaks for me without thinking or taking permission from me I frown and he's surprised too

Guess he never though I would actually ask him about whatever happened . Cuz truthfully I won't

He nods slowly he leans on the counter and purse his lips

" I am going to go to bed " I fake yawn

I get up . I stop dead in my path when he blurts

" she threw herself on me "

I sigh counting 1.2.3 before I turn

I smile at him " harry did I ask you why or who or anything ?" I say calmly

He shakes his head mumbling a " no "

" your free to do whatever you want ! " I shrug then turn around

" But .. " he retorts

" no harry honestly I don't care at all .. your free to do whatever you want " I pause " cause in one way or another We're. Just friends " I say with hand quotations

His eyebrows furrow " but we kissed " he says like it's something

" it meant nothing . Both you and I know it so damn well . Call it a friends mistake or whatever I don't care " I say my voice rising

He shakes his head angrily " Friends .. for you brain that's full of bubbles .. friends " he says with hand quotations " THEY DON'T FUCCKING KISS SUMMER " he yells

I glare at him " mistake all of it .. " I retort


I look at him " I feel sorry for you harry " I shake my head " you too blind to see that this relationship won't work .. it never will "

I walk into my room !! But fail miserably to sleep


New update ..

Harry snapped. . you * coughs *


Tiggyy liam on the side !!!

Omg sooooo cuteeeeeee ♥♥

What do you think of it ? ;)



Meeting summer [ H.S ]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora