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Atiya groaned in frustration earning weird looks from her friends. She massaged her head in hopes of getting rid of her migraine which she knew was impossible but still tried.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked from the other side of the room where Katie was asleep with her head on his lap.

"That information I asked you to get, remember?" Luke nodded and let Atiya continue to ramble. "It's so messed up. There's so many hidden facts, it makes no sense... I'm freaking out. And who the hell is this... Lacey Elizabeth? She doesn't even have a last name!"

"Did you just say Lacey Elizabeth?" Maya snapped her head to the spot Atiya was occupying on the floor of the crowded room.

"Yeah, why?" Atiya questioned confusedly.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Come here and bring your research, now!"

Maya's eyes were glowing and she looked excited for some reason unknown to everyone in the room. Atiya quickly got up and threw her pile of papers on top of Maya's desk (which was now Michael's since he was living in that room) and took a look at Maya's research.

Lacey Elizabeth was written in every single paper with tons of lines underlined with a bright yellow highlighter.

"This is amazing..." Maya murmured, reading over Atiya's research.

"What's your research about?" Kelsey asked, getting out of the bathroom, her hair wet since she just came out of the shower.

"Xavier Grey and Dr Louise Exeter. The guy was a mercenary and she paid him millions to do stuff for him. I hacked into the Perth Research Laboratory and found a list of names. Lacey Elizabeth was at the bottom and in bold and it was used a different font. They must be special to be registered differently. I think this is a list of his victims." Atiya explained.

"Xavier Grey murdered Lacey Elizabeth. In my research I found this: "The Mercenary killed LE."." Maya said, putting the facts together. "It's an email from Dr Exeter to this Dave Nolan guy. I'm gonna search for him second but I needed to get the story right."

"What else did you get on Xavier Grey?"

"Not much except for the fact that six years ago he completely disappeared." Atiya added, excited about the new discovery.

"Lacey Elizabeth died six years ago."

"So, he disappeared after he killed Lacey Elizabeth?"

"What's her last name?"
"No one knows. Except for this Dave Nolan, I bet."

Kelsey, Luke, Atiya and Maya kept throwing questions and getting answer from the research Atiya and Maya did.

"Where did the guy come from? His name sounds Spanish or something." Luke asked. Maybe he found his origins it'd be easier to track him down.

"Here it says he was born in Nairobi but he started doing his work in Mexico so it's possible he lived in Mexico for a long while." Atiya said, looking through the papers for any information which could be important.

"How the hell did he end up in Australia then?" asked Kelsey whilst opening the door to communicate the rest of the Revolutionaries the new discovery.

"Dr Exeter did a bunch of trips around the world, she probably met him in one of those." Maya shrugged since it wasn't one of the most important questions. "She sent this Dave Nolan a lot of emails regarding her trips. However she only described the places very vaguely. He never replied though."

Mockingbird // 5sauceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن