Chapter 3 ~ Dreams to Days

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            I woke up at a decent time the next morning. After nine o’clock but before ten thirty, the time I like to get up at. I slid out of bed and stretched. As I stood up, I saw in the mirror that I was still in yesterday’s clothes, so I slowly ambled over to my suit case, which was leaning up against the dressers. I braced myself to pick up something heavy, but found myself picking up a rather light, and empty, material case. Curiously, I carried it to Laya’s bed and laid it down then unzipped it then groaned as I found that it was empty except for a few books. I turned and opened all the drawers of both dressers, but my stuff was in neither. A bit annoyed, I walked out into the hall then through the door into the kitchen, where Ben and Laya were leaning against the counter talking.

            “Hey, where is all my stuff?” I asked them, placing my hands on my hips and looking at them both.

            Ben smiled at me like I did something weird or strange, and I blushed and smiled back, but I wasn’t sure why.

            Laya nodded and walked over, “Oh, yea. I forgot to tell you or leave you a note that I put your stuff in the closet by your bed. No sense in keeping a suitcase around. Though, I didn’t know what to do with the books you have, so I just left them in the main opening.” She led me back into the room and over to the oak door closet that was just across the room. She opened it up and turned on the light. “Here it is, all organized and what not. And there is even just enough room in here to change if you don’t want anyone walking in on you.”

            I nodded to her as I continued to look at where she had put my stuff, “Thanks, that was really cool of you.” I turned and grabbed my suitcase, then slid it under the bottom shelf. “Now, that’s good.” I looked to her and smiled, then lifted my hand, semi pointing to the door, “Now, if you would please.”

            She smiled and turned, “Sure thing, Bumble-bee.”

            I watched her leave and close the door, then turned back to my stuff and looked at how she had organized it. It was all organized by what it was and the color. I smiled. “I need her to do my closet at home.” I mumbled to myself.

            After I got dressed into some dark jeans and a red t-shirt, I walked out into the foyer and looked out the windows that were beside the doors. Outside it was lightly snowing, making the cabin a bit colder. I slid my hands into my pockets then sauntered over to the living room and sat on one of the couches. I looked over into the kitchen and saw Laya eating toast at the counter and Ben reaching for something higher up. His shirt slipped up a bit and I could just barely see his six pack of abs that lay beneath the brown long sleeve top.

I smiled then looked away to the cushions beside me on the other side from the kitchen. On one small pillow was a remote to the TV, so I reached over and grabbed it. I pressed the power button and the screen went from black to showing someone cooking a chicken. As I flipped through channels, I wondered something.

            How could they afford all these things? A pool table? A flat screen TV? And computer over there? I shrugged it off and just kept watching the screen.

            Moments later Laya walked over and plopped down beside me. She watched the screen for a moment then turned to me. “So, what were you and Ben talking about last night?”

            I shrugged, “Things. A couple things. Mostly one large story”

            “Like what?” She put her arm on the back of the couch and rested her head on her hand.

            “Like things I don’t really want to say again. I said it last night and that’ll be the only time I will ever say it again, okay?” I answered in a little bit of an angered tone as I stood and walked over to the book shelf that sat behind the couch and across the room.

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