Chapter 2

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Be nice when you comment, but if u have any questions feel free to ask. Now this chapter shows what Hannah goes through.

"Beep beep beep beep" I wake up to the sound of my alarm. it's 5 AM So I get up and brush my teeth then take a shower.  the waters freezing of course dad doesn't want to pay for a water heater in the basement because Maria told him it would save us money. After I'm done i get dressed (like the picture above) and I brush my hair and leave it to dry straight while I do my work. I go to the washing machine and take out the washed clothes then I put them in The dryer. I go make scrambled eggs for Maria and pancakes for my father. I get 2 cups and fill them up with orange juice I put them on a tray with the food and head to my dads room I knock quietly "what do you want?" Maria hissed from inside. "Breakfast is ready"I say. I hear muffling and the door opens suddenly startling me.  I step in the room and open the curtains and then give my dad and Maria their breakfast in bed. I then go get the dirty clothes and run to the washing machine to start washing. Now that my hair is dry i just brush it (since it is already straight) and I put on my beanie. My hair is pretty long because I don't remember ever getting a haircut. Oh god no now it is too late to walk to school I am stuck on the bus with Luke.

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