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A few of the clubs had to stay after-school to work on the play. Which included my Arts and Crafts club.

I helped out painting the set and sewing the costumes.

I got a text from Haru.


*sigh* I told him I had to stay after-school for a while.

"Oye! Mizuki! Pass me the pin-cushion please!" My friend Hitori asked.

"Alright! Hold on!" I picked up the pin-cushion by the sewing machine and threw it to Hitori, accidentally hitting her face.

"THANKS!" She said sarcastically, rubbing her head.

"Ehehe. Sorry Hitori!" I yelled back.

The play was about a god and a goddess who hated eachother because they were from two different worlds.

One lived in the sky, fulfilling the duties of rising the sun and the moon.

And the other took care of the Earth. Watching over all the living things.

Kazuo and Kinu got the secondary roles.

Kinu played as one of my fellow "children" who wished to go to the sky.

Kazuo played as a young boy FROM the sky, who wished to explore the land.

In the end, the god and goddess fell in love and realized they need one another to create a wonderful and peaceful universe for their children.

Its SUPER corny, but it might be pretty fun once we get everything settled!

~4:30 pm

"Thanks for all you hard work today!!" Kyomi said as we all walked out. She was the president for the Arts and Crafts club. I was the Vice President.

Haru said he'd meet me at the front gate.

He's coming over to my house today to rehearse. EEEEEKKK!!! Good thing I didn't have to work today!

I walked to the front to find myself alone.

Don't tell me he got impatient and left!

I stood there hoping he would come.

~10 minutes later

Guess i'll just walk home then -.-

Something hit my head.

"OW! What was that?" I yelled.

I turned around and Haru was right there.

"YOU WERE ABOUT TO WALK HOME WITHOUT ME?!" Haruka yelled with another one of his scary faces on.


"YOU'RE THE ONE THAT TOLD ME TO MEET YOU HERE! I got here before you." I yelled back at Haruka.

He just sighed and flicked my head.

"Let's go before it gets dark." He said walking ahead of me.

I ran to him.

It started to get cold. I kept rubbing my arms and shivering.

Haruka put his arm around me.

"W-What are you doing?" I said stuttering and shivering at the same time.

"I could easily tell you were getting cold stupid Usagi."  He said. I could see his breathe while he talked.

"YUR THE STUPID ONE KUMA-KUN!" I yelled a bit.

He snickered a bit, I smiled.

We finally made it home.

"Ahh! Mizuki! You finally made it ho-" Mom was cut off by seeing Haruka behind me.

"OHOHOHO! Who is this handsome young man you've brought with you today hm??" Mom said acting weird again.


"We're gonna go rehearse our lines for the school play." I said taking off my shoes and heading upstairs.

Haru did the same. He followed behind me.

"Okay! I'll make tea and warm up some steamed manju buns for you both!" Mom said going into the kitchen.

I set my bag on the ground.

"Sorry, my mom is so weird. She usually acts like that whenever I bring guys to my house" I said to Haru.

He awkwardly sat on my bed.
I sat next to him.

He reached his hand out towards me.

Is he making a move?

He grabbed his bag behind me.

Oh. Thought so. -.-

"What're you getting so flustered about? Take out the damn script so we can rehearse already -3-" Haruka snapped.

"Alright jeez." I mumbled grabbing the
script out of my bag.

Haru stayed quiet a bit. He seemed like he was zoning out.

"Oye Haru." I snapped my fingers in his face.

When he snapped out of it, he had a sad look on his face.

He's been acting strange me at least

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