Chapter One

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( Heya! Reality here! So this is my first septicplier fanfic so eh ... Sorry if its bad. There is lots of sad stuff and, yeah. There will be song lyrics at the first of each chapter but if it says like: Has no one told you shes not breathing. Its just re-created with He instead of She. xD 'Cause im pretty sure Jack is not a she :3 )

'Has no one told you hes not breathing, hello, im your mind giving you someone to talk to, hello

- Hello by Evanescence'

Jack's P.O.V

I smiled widely as i sit my headphones over my hat and sit on my chair looking at everyones skype names. Mark, Bob, Wade, Yami, Pewds and Ken were all happily talking to each other. "Geez, Its like you guys haven't talked to each other in ages!" I yelled happily "Thats possibly because we HAVEN'T talked to each other in ages!" Yami said talking a sip of his tea "Yeah, a-" Wade started before rudely getting cut off by Mark "SHUT UP WADE!" Mark yelled playfully, flailing his arms around randomly. I couldn't help but laugh "Arn't we suppost to be fucking recording!?" Felix chimed in with a laugh "Nope" I replyed popping the 'P' sound "Don't you nope me" Felix sassed snapping his fingers in a Z shape. We all bursted out laughing then my phone vibrated on my desk. I swyped to the right and picked my phone up.

(I have no idea what Jacks girfriend's name is so i'll just make up and Grace is a simple name :3 Kinda...)

Grace > Jackaboy: Hey Jack...

Jackaboy > Grace: Heya, Whats wrong?

Grace > Jackaboy: Im...just not feeling it anymore :(

Jackaboy > Grace: Wait, what? Your leaving me? :( But this long distant relationship has gone very far. Its been great! You can't just suddenly drop everything! Its not fair! :(

Grace > Jackaboy: Im very sorry Sean. Its just your always on youtube and you never call or text me that often. Its just, its hard to skype with our different time zones, im not feeling it anymore. And what do you mean its not fair? :/ Its not fair that youtube is something your always busy with.

My hands tremmbled and my vision became blurry with tears. "Hey Jack? You okay?" Mark asked. I shake my head and mute my microphone.

Jackaboy > Grace: No, please , don't end it this way! I love you with all my heart! I can take a break off youtube and come fly out to see you! Please! :( We can work this out! Our relationships gone great!

Grace > Jackaboy: I agree. Its just...Im sorry Sean.

I sniffed as i quickly took off my hat and headphones. I mouthed a sorry to my friends as i felts tears slide down my cheeks and i hanged up. I slided down the wall close to my desk and hugged my knees letting out pethetic tears.

Jackaboy > Grace: Is...Is this really it? Is this how it ends?

Grace > Jackaboy: Yes, this is how it ends. Goodbye, Sean.

My heart stops completely. I start feeling numb and dizzy. I cry loudly and get up. I feel as if i was no longer controlling my body, my legs were forced to walk into the darken halls of my house as they walked downstairs and into the kitchen. My legs forcefully walked over to the counter and my hand shakily yanked open the top draw where the forks, spoons and knifes were, I picked up a sharp knife. My eyes blurred up with tears as the blade cut into my wrist.

Eventally i ended up with thirteen cuts on each wrist. I felt light headed and dizzy so i quickly ran to the bathroom, grabbed the nessesary stuff and cleaned the cuts. After that was done i wrapped a badged around both of my wrists and stood up. I looked in the mirrior and felt as if i were slipping. 'How the hell am i still alive?! I put thirteen cuts on each of my wrists and watched for about an hour of my pethetic blood dripping and im still alive!' I cried and walked out of the bathroom, upstairs and then into my room. I heard a knock on my door but ignored it "Jack?!" Dathi's voice called out multiple times until i had enough. I walked to my stero system i had set up in the dark corner of my cold and dim room and put my phone on.

Here Without You by 3 Doors Down played loudly. I cried, fell on my bed and immidently fell asleep.

Mark's P.O.V

"What happened?" Bob spoke quietly "I have no idea..." Wade muttered "Uh, Do you guys still wanna record or just be gloomy and forget this recording session?" Ken asked "Depends..." Felix chimed in "Ugh, now it starts raining" I sighed trying to push the uneasy and worry situation away but the tone in my voice was enough to tell everyone that i was obviously worried. I mean who wouldn't be worried if their friend picked up there phone and then started looking sad and depressed then just hanging up? I may have somewhat feelings for Ja- Wait what?! I mean friend feelings!

I sighed "I think we should just leave it for today" I shakily said as i ran my hand threw my hair, then Bob chimed in "I know that look!" He said with a smart smirk "R-Really? W-With this hansome korean face?" I said nervously "Yes, now go sleep, wake up in the morning and go see how cheap tickets to Ireland is! If its too much just call me up" Bob said making a small blush rise on my face as everyone had a confused look on their faces "Hah, h-how did you know?" I asked uneasly "Easy, now go fricking sleep or else!" Bob exclaimed happily "Or else what? Are you gonna turn into Jeff the killer or someting?" I asked as everyone bursted out laughing "Anyway, thanks Bob" I said "No problem" He smiled. I said my goodbyes and ended the call 'Dayum that was slightly embarrassing' I chuckled getting up,  walking over to my bed and flopping on it.

'I will be able to cheer Jackaboy up easy as a peice of pie' I smile.

Yet i had no idea it was going to be this bad. I had my heart broken once. But not enough to make me depressed. Not even enough to make me cut...

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