Chapter Four

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'I shouldn't love you but I want to, I just can't turn away. I shouldn't see you but I can't move, I can't look away. And I don't know how to be fine when I'm not, cause I don't know how to feel this time. - Just So You Know by Jesse Mccartney'


I pulled away, blushing madly. Mark chuckled, "I love you too, Sean" He said, ruffling my green hair. "At lest your hair doesn't look grey anymore" He added, I playfully punched him "My hair was just fine before" I defended, crossing my arms. Mark laughed and held up a box which was hair dye. Pink hair dye. I gasped, "YESSS!!" I got off him, grabbing his hand in progress. We rushed into the bathroom, giggling like little kids who stole their mums makeup and put it on.

After a while, Marks hair was now black and pink. I hugged him tightly, feeling happy. "You know, your fans are probably worried about you" Mark said, poking my nose. I giggled, "If I have any fans"

"Of course you do!"


"I brought video games~"

"Seriously, Mark?"

Mark shrugged, "Your just not as boss as me then" He said with a smirk. I gasped, "How DARE you offend the king of boss-ness! You squirrel" I said, trying to hold back my laughter as Mark put a hand on his hip and pretended to flip his hair, "I am the King of squirrel's and nobody has the guts to mess with me" He said with a Wilford Warfstache voice. "Shut up ya big doof! Let's go and play video games"

"Can Booob come toooo?"

"Bob can join us as well as Wade"

"But Wade is a douche"

"Shuddup, Mark"


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