How we met

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Your P. O. V.

"I'm going to be late! I'm going to be late" you yell as you notice it's 9:30. You are supposed to meet Layla at the park at 9:45 and its at least a twenty minute walk. Last time you were late she didn't talk to you for a week. You don't blame her it was her aunts funeral.

You get out of the shower, slip on your skinny jeans and your Harley Davidson shirt and run for the park, thinking after about ten minutes of running you should have grabbed your bike. "Ouch!" You hit something solid, stumbling to the ground. In an instant the boy who knocked you down is by your side. "I'm so sorry." He says.
"It's no big deal, I should have watched were I was going"
"Where were you going anyways?"
"The park."
"Oh, I see, hot date?"
"No, boys don't date me."
"Good, less competition for me." He says as he hands you a slip of paper and runs off.
That was weird you didn't even get his name. Bro, Layla is going to be so mad.

Cameron Boyce ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now