Is it to late to text him?

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"It's like 8 at night Layla, do you think he will answer?" You asked
"Oh, it's fine is he thought you were cute then he will answer."
"Fine........ But I don't know, what if he doesn't."
"He will!"
"What if he doesn't."
"Then it's not the end of the world."
"But what if it is."
"I think you'll live."
"What if I don't"
"Just text him!"
"Fine, no need to be snappy."
The text:
Me: Hey, it's (y/n) the girl you ran over in the park.
Him: Well, the way I remember it you ran over me.
Me: Whatever, I never got your name.
Him: Cameron Boyce.
Me: Oh ok, good.
Cameron(you've already changed his name in your phone): Why is it good my name is Cameron?
Me:Well today my friend said something about how a boy named Dylan gave her his number.
Cameron: Oh yah Dylan was bragging about getting some smokin hot girls number today.
Me: So you know a Dylan?
Cameron: Yah but to be sure what your friends name?
Cameron:Yep same girl.
You and Cameron text till one in the morning when you tell him you have to sleep or you will be a zombie tomorrow.
He says he thinks you would be a cute zombie then you guys finally say good night.

Cameron Boyce ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora