Desperate Pleas

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Freak, monster, disgusting mutant. Who would ever fall in love with a beast like you? It's over. It's all over.


I won't believe that. I can't start thinking like that. She told me she loved me. She feels the same. I've got to have faith in her. I can't just give up. I'll never give up on her. Never. I'll love you forever, Mona Lisa. I'll wait, no matter how long it takes. I'll wait until you're ready.

It was almost dawn by the time I reached the lair. As soon as I walked through the entrance an orange blur ran into me, almost knocking me over. The others ran over to me as soon as I entered, including Casey, April and Master Splinter. The rat stared at my face and I could tell he knew something had happened.

"Where's M.L.?" Mikey asked enthusiastically, but his voice died as he saw the blank look on my face. The room went completely silence as they stared at me.

"Raph?" asked Leo, looking concerned.

"She's not coming back, Mikey. She's gone."

Their eyes widened and Leo spoke first, "Is she..." his voice trailed off and I knew what he was asking.

"No." I stated evenly. This only made everyone look even more confused.

"What happened?" Master Splinter asked quietly.

"I made a mistake." I said, my voice lowered, before pushing past them. "If anyone needs me, I'll be in my room."

"Just a moment, my son." My shoulders drooped and I turned to face my father. "What do you mean, you made a mistake?"

"I—I told I felt about her." I lowered my gaze and silence filled the room. "She said we had to break it off." My mind vaguely registered a single tear rolling down my face unchecked. The pity in their faces was almost unbearable. "But I'm not giving up on her."

"Raphael, if she wanted to break it off-" Splinter began, but I cut him off.

"No. She didn't want to break it off. She said we had to. She told me she loved me, but she didn't want to hurt me, or you guys. She thinks its her fault that we were in danger and she doesn't want that to happen again! She doesn't understand that I have the same problem, that evertime we leave the lair I worry about her getting hurt or Shredder getting his hands on her! I have to show her that we can make this work despite all of our problems and maybe then..."

"And if she still refuses you, Raphael? What will you do then?"

I visibly trembled at his words. My father had voiced my biggest fears. "I-I..." I looked down as another tear ran down my face. "I don't think I could survive it," I whispered. A hand being pressed reassuringly on my shoulder made me turn around, and I came face to face with Leonardo.

"I'll help you, Raph. Whatever you need just let me know. I'm here for you." My other brothers nodded in agreement.

"We all are." April added.

I looked at them, with a ghost of a grin on my face. "Thanks guys." They kept me company the rest of the day, trying to cheer me up and take my mind off it for a little bit.


The old rat retreated to the dojo, with a frown on his face. He was concerned about Raphael. His son had grown very dependent on Mona Lisa, he knew that, but he had not expected their relationship to progress so quickly. I will have a talk with Raphael in the morning. He decided. I must meditate on this. I am very concerned. If Mona Lisa continues to refuse him, I fear for my son's sanity. A broken heart is not easily healed. I should know.

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