December 31st: Justin

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December 31st. Wednesday.

Justin had been sitting outside of Holiday's for the past five minutes, waiting for her to come around and to open the front door of her house. He didn't expect anything big or drastic if she did, eventually. He already knew that she was tired of him, but somehow, she wouldn't swear at him or tell him to go away like she used to. At least, not as much as she used to.

Now, Justin had called Holiday earlier, telling her that he was coming over to talk with her. Of course, Holiday had argued him down a few times--- until she finally stated over the phone:

"All right! Fine! Come over!"

And that's why he's here now. Justin knew that there was no way Holiday would ever think about having him over with her parents around since they brutally despised him and his lack in etiquette behavior. Not to be offensive, but they consider him to be an 'outcast'.

It did seem sort of harsh, but Holiday barely opposed to her parents about him since he did often irritate her with his obvious flirting. He would throw himself around, push her, maybe steal a kiss or two if he was tempted to see her aggravated. What makes it even worst is that, Justin didn't even care how infuriated she would grow of him with his actions. He'd just keep playing the same cards on her until she would finally break down and maybe one day, ask him to kiss her again.

Yeah right, Justin thought to himself.

It was only a couple more minutes, and the front door had opened with the porch light flicked on. Justin's breath caught in his throat as he turned around, facing Holiday as she wore a robe over he blue and white nightshirt. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and her eyes looked fresh awake--- nonetheless, she was still pure beauty.

Ah, fuck.

"What is it Justin?" Holiday's words barely came off irritated, though her facial expression said a lot for her. And she closed the door behind her. "It is almost eleven at night. What do you want?"

Justin snorted at her tired eyes and her lazy voice. She was very beautiful when tired, to him. But all seriousness, she was lovely to look at by anyone. She was like Kristen Stewart--- but more delicate and had a temper when it came towards people who irritated her more than ever. She barely saw anything wrong with telling people so if they bothered her, especially Justin.
The whole world knew that for sure.

Justin only looked at her before finally saying, "God, you're cute." Holiday took the stare as a hazardous threat and turned to walk back inside. Instead, Justin grabbed her arm and shook his head. "Sorry. Listen, I didn't mean to sound offensive anyway. I just want to talk."

Holiday asked, "Why?"

Justin's throat tightened. Why did he want to talk to her? Just to do so. Just to be annoying. Who knows why? He didn't even know why. So, he ended up letting her arm go before he licked his lips, dry. He sighed.

"How are things?" he hesitantly asked, as if it was the dumbest thing that has ever came out his mouth.

In reality, it probably was. There have been many things that Justin has said and done to Holiday to get her attention, but asking how everything was in her personal life--- was beyond scared straight. It was obviously clueless to him that she was getting tired.

"The hell, Justin" she blurted, crossing her arms over her chest. Her eyes were barely looking at him due to her irritation of him. "It's late and I am tired. You call me out here to have a social talk? The hell is wrong with y----?"

She isn't really able to finish her words when Justin pushes himself forward and his lips are on her mouth. He doesn't rush the way he kisses her. In fact, he keeps things gentle, and for the first time it feels like. Holiday barely manages to move at all since Justin has her in his hold. It feels hard to get out of his hold, but she doesn't wish to--- surprisingly.

It was when he made his hands settle upon her waist that things swiftly melted into a deep kiss that had mixed meanings. Confusion? Liking? What? It was hard to tell from the way they were barely holding each other into the kiss as their lips moved together like paint against its canvas.

When it ended, and it did, there was nothing more for any of them to say to each other. It was as if they had drifted into a world of bliss and back into reality. Damn.

"Sorry" Justin had said.

Then, Holiday looked away from him and drifted her eyes back to him. It was hard to believe what had just occurred. It was unbelievable. She just sighed out and walked to the door.

"I know" was all she said before going inside completely.

Zoned Barriers: Justin Bieber (Book #2 of Perky Pursuits Series)Where stories live. Discover now