Chapter Two

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Time:12:50 pm
Location: Sixth Form College
Lesson was finally finished I quickly packed my things up to get out of this place. Walking down the corridors I say hi to some people until I find my friends.
Me: where we going for lunch today ?
Tory: morleys, I need some chicken and chips today.
We all leave and walk to the shop, ordering and paying. We sit down at the table with our food idly speaking.
Allie: aye Ray(Suraya) you never said how helping Aiden went? Did you have fun?
She asked moving her eyebrows up and down in an suggestive manner. Rolling my eyes I answer
Me: he picked up on the maths work very quickly but it all went awkward when his friends came. And you lot know I can't stand dem boys dere. 
Samuel: we know but it's not that deep get out of your feelings.
I didn't get a chance to respond as Aiden and his friends entered the shop giving us a brief nod. I scrunched my face up which caused all my friends to laugh but made them look at us awkwardly. The shop fell into a silence that all you could hear was the shop keeper. Denzel being who he is decided to say
Denzel: so what's up everyone, nice weather we are experiencing lately huh?
Everyone looked at him like shut up boy you ain't helping the moment.
Denzel: oh tough crowd
Me: well I would love to stay and talk but I got a meeting to be at see y'all in psychology.
I say getting up retrieving my stuff as I leave to the shop I can feel eyes watching me. I don't look back just instead continue to walk back to sixth form.

Walking into my house I can hear my old brother and friends are here. Just my luck that means I can't have my afternoon nap, instead I go into the kitchen to get snacks. I take a packet of crisps out the cupboard as well as cookies placing them on the table. I go back to my room to get my books to study. I get the milk and then bend down to get a glass. *smack* I feel a stinging sensation on my bum, I turn around to see my brothers friend Jerome.
Me: Aye Jerome why did you do that? You could of said what's up like a normal person would of .
Jerome: alright then I'll do that, what up babe? *laughing and looking at me head to toes*
Me: whatever, but why are you in my presence ?
Jerome: I can't say hi to my girl now ?
Me: well if you had a girl it wouldn't be bad but I ain't the girl. I'm on my grind to go uni and your grinding for who knows what. So can you please leave and go back to my bro.
Jerome: it's alright if you want to deny your live for me I will wait for you.
He says walking away laughing this is an ongoing joke between me and Jerome. He's like another big brother to me I would never like him just like he sees me as a little sister. Plus I ain't got time for boys I'm motivated to go uni and I need no distractions.

I take my things to my room and start studying  psychology. A couple of chapters in the book my phone starts ringing, without looking I pick up.
Me: Yeah ?
??: So that's how we speak to each other now ?
Me: allow me Tenisha I'm tired and I'm revising so speak quick

Tahirah is my best friend we go different sixth forms but talk nearly everyday, she's literally my day one friend.

Tenisha: sorry but I was speaking we Allie and she said you were helping Aiden, why? You know how he is think of Shanice and Rheann.
Me: first it's not that deep and secondly he needed help with the homework. Plus you know I'm not that kind of airhead girls like them.
Tenisha: just had make sure everything was good with you before I had to come up to your sixth form but I will hit you up later bye.
Me: bye child

I don't understand why my friends think me and Aiden have a thing I'm strictly friends nothing more will ever happen. The whole subject caused me finish studying and listen to music and get in my feelings for a bit.

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