Chapter Three

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Location: Sixth Form
Time: 8:30

Actually got to sixth form on time for once, so was in form looking at universities with Allie.

Me: What about Goldsmiths, it local so I won't have to move out ?
Allie: Do you really want to stay so close to this shit hole
Me: when you put it like that it's better to go somewhere else. 

I'm smart but not over smart to applying for uni's like Oxford or Cambridge. However I still have grades to get into the top uni's of the country.

We spent the rest of the period going through pros and cons of each university. We left class walking towards psychology meeting up with Tori on the way.

Tori: have you seen your bae today Ray?
Me: who that ? 👀
Allow: Oh you know what she's talking about
Me: *rolls eyes* I'm done with y'all every minute annoy me. Do something better with your life please.

I walked in front of them hearing them snigger with each other causing me to get more annoyed. I stormed into the crowds of people going to lessons and next thing I know I'm looking at the ceiling.

?: are you alright Suraya ?
Me: I'm good, sorry about that wasn't looking.
Allie and Tori walked passed me smirking and continuing on without a look back.
?: did you hear me? Suraya??
Me: oh sorry thanks for helping me Aiden, I'll see you around got to get to psychology.

I walked off not wanting to be around him any more. Finally getting to class I take my seat next to Denzel, Allie and Tori sat in front of me.
Me: I hope y'all are happy since this is your fault why I walked into him. You are ultimate pricks of life.
Denzel: what did they do and who did you walk into?
Me: he who must not be named and they were teasing me continuously.
Denzel: *laughs* sorry but I know you ain't talking about Lord Voldemort so it must be Aiden.
Me: laugh it up, we've been in the same college for nearly two years he doesn't like me I and don't like him!
Allie: shit then...
Luckily the teacher came in so I was happy and started writing notes.

Tori: sorry about earlier was only teasing didn't mean any harm.
Me: it's alright, I slyly overreacted not gonna lie.
We all walked into the common area to meet up with Samuel and Tenisha. All of us had a free period so we sat around playing spades.
Until Jamal walked over and started talking.

Jamal: what's up y'all? So I'm having a party your all invited. Tenisha I'll send you the details

And he walks off without hearing our response. I'm not the party type I love music but feel very awkward when Bashment or afrobeats come on.
Denzel: we're going and no ones getting out of this either.
Just my luck !

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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