Kickin It: 'AA' This Is WAR!

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It was a sunny afternoon at the Bobby Wasabi Dojo; the Wasabi Warriors were practicing for a tournament in organ. In the center Kim and Jack were sparing, going at each other at various speeds.  Kicking, punching, and dodging, they fought.


There I was just fighting along with Jack beating him like the usual day. Well not actually beating him, but I like to think I do.

“Hi yah!” I screamed thrusting my fist forward towards his chest. He pushes my arm down and pulls me with my back to him.

“Ha got you again, Kimmy.”

“Not really” I said flipping myself over his shoulder. I landed on my feet and spun my foot to kick his back.

“Ouch!” he screeched landing on his stomach.

“Oh my Gosh, Jack? Are you okay?” I ran to him and kneeled down.

The pain on his face left and he smirked.

“I’m just fine.” He grabbed my wrist and rolled me off the mat.

“Hey you tricked me you cheater!”

“Ha see, even when I loose, I win!” he said filled with fake pride.

I gave Jack a disappointed stare and knitted my eye brows. He shook his head and we got changed. We walked out when Rudy came out to talk to us.

“Okay Guys,” I stared at him, “and Kim, we have the Tournament on Saturday, we have to submit our Team list by Thursday. So don’t get hurt! Got it! Try hard to be careful! We don’t have a lot and we need five to move on to state finals. So be careful!”

 We all agreed and we packed up to leave, the gang and I headed over to Yo-Yo’s Fro- Yo. We sat around a big cone shaped table and ordered. I sat beside Jack and we all discussed the roster and how we would love to have a new person on the team. I suggested some of my friends but they were all too weak, but I had remembered my old BFF who did karate when we were younger. She was not that easy on the eyes but she was pretty good at karate, from what I could remember. I had kept in touch and she had said her mom lives in Seaford. Also that she was coming to Seaford for 2 months. I texted her and waited for a reply.

‘Hi Jayde, it’s me, Kim from elementary school! Remember me? I was so hoping you would come to meet me some time! Btw are you still into karate? We have an opening at our dojo. Come check it out! ~Love Kim <3’

A few minutes later Jayde texted me back, being just as happy as I could remember.

‘That would be so cool! I’m in the mall now! We should meet up! Let me call you! Luv Ya! <3’

My phone rang and it was Jayde.

“Hey Jayde what’s up?” I cheered into my phone.

“I’m super good! How about you?” I heard and echo in the shop, and got up to leave so the echo would be gone.

“Hold on my phone is echoing let me step outside.”

“Yeah same here.” I got up and walked out when a super pretty and petit girl with brown hair followed me out. She was on the phone too.

“Yeah I’m outside now, we should meet up!”

“Yeah Kim we totally should!” the girl beside me and Jayde on the phone said.

I looked beside me and hung up the phone.

“Jayde; omg is that you?”

“Kim! Omg you are super pretty! Like 100 times from what I remember!”

We hugged and we shrieked!

“Me? What about you? You are so pretty! May I say we are both happy the bushy eye brows and glasses are gone! You are like 100,000 times pretty! I’m so happy we met up!” we cheered pulling each other into a hug. Her long thick eye lashes made her look so pretty and elegant. I grabbed her hand and we walked back inside. Of course Jerry was all over her saying cheesy pick-up lines.

“Hey I’m Jerry and you’re… Gorgeous” Jayde giggled.

“Oh so you like it eh? Here’s another one for the lovely lady. Am I asleep because you’re the girl of my dreams” Jayde rolled her eyes and walked over to Jack

“Hi I’m Jayde, nice to meet you.”

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