Chapter 18

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He's there, leaning back just right beside my door, his hands were inside his pockets while looking down.

​"O...Oji?" I called, and my voice wasn't able to hide how surprised I am to see him there!

​Who wouldn't be surprised?

​He's the very least person that I expect to see in this place!

​And it's like a slow motion that from the floor, his eyes landed to my face.

​Oh God! I feel like my heart jumped off from its place!

​Being able to see him this close again, I feel like I'm going to faint!

​What is he doing here? How long did he wait outside my apartment? Was he waiting for me? But why?

​"Let's talk." He coldly said, not letting go of my eyes.

​So I ended up looking away, my whole body is trembling and my heart is beating way too fast that I couldn't just stay still. Damn it! Why does he need to look at me that way?

​"Will you please calm down Reika? He just want to talk, why do you have to feel that way, you idiot?" I quietly lectured my self.

​I cleared my throat and calmed my self, "Start talking then." I wanted to clap for my self. I didn't know that I'm great when it comes in acting!

​Oji sighed, and this time, he's the one who looked away, "What the hell?" he murmured. "For a moment there, I thought you were nervous when you saw me here." He said and a sad smile came out from him that shattered my heart.

​Why... Why such an expression? From a person that I believed so evil and cold? Why will he suddenly show that kind of look to me?

​I bit my lower lip.

​"I made my decision and there's no way that I'll change it even if you'll show that kind of look to me Oji..."

​That's what's on my mind.

​Because staying beside the devil prince will just make it more painful when he's already in love with somebody else, especially the person that he's in love with is my stepsister.

​So whatever happens...

​I should be firm with my decision...

​I exhaled, "What is it now?" I broke the silence, "I thought you wanted to talk?"

​Oji chuckled hollowly then his aura suddenly changed, and though I don't like it, I just can't help not to feel nervous!

​And it made me more nervous when he sarcastically smirked at me.

​"I guess I just wasted my time here." He said, his eyes that were holding mine became fiery and cold. "But yeah, I still want to ask you about something." He paused, and that painful feeling stroke all over my system when he gave me that disgusted look, "Tell me... who's good in bed? Is it me, or that bastard?"


​Quick moment, I felt how my face flushed out of anger and I wasn't able to control my self that my palm landed on his face!

​This devil prince is back to his old self again!


​He twitched his lips, "Didn't I tell you? You have no rights to tell me what to do!" he sarcastically said that swayed me a little.

​"Who are you to tell me what to do? And who are you to order me such things?"

"In case you're forgetting something, you're just my toy."

​I blinked. Up until now, he still makes me feel that I am his toy. Huh. How foolish. How foolish of me to forget that reality even just for a moment.

​I clenched my fists. "Why? Because I'm just your toy?" I smirked, "Then did you forget? I'm not your toy anymore so I can say whatever I want to say. Leave!"

​"Sure. After I do this!" and before I realized it, he circled his arms to my hips and then harshly pulled me closer to him, it's as if my body is just like a cotton that he held and his mouth savagely settled over mine!

​He pushed me against the wall and then he pressed his body against mine, pressing it way too hard that even a midst of air couldn't pass between us!

​I tried to resist his kiss, I placed my hands on his chest and tried to push him away! I wanted him to let me go! But just a hand of him managed to hold both my hands and placed them on the top of my head, while his other free hand is holding my nape so I couldn't move away, making me more helpless!

​His lips continued to forcefully kiss mine, using all his strength to stay me still!


​No matter how much I dislike what he's doing, I can't help not to hate my self to let him continue kissing me.

​God, nobody knows how much I missed this guy! How much I want to be kissed by him again! I want him to touch me so badly that I can already die!

​Slowly... I started closing my eyes. When was the last time that Oji kissed me?

​I can't remember anymore...

​And no matter how much my mind's resisting to his kiss, it couldn't win to my heart that's strongly longing for him.

​"Oji..." I quietly called.

​He might've felt that I finally stopped resisting. And not knowing what's on his mind, he walked me inside my apartment and closed the door and made me lean there again.

​He freed my hands and placed them on his nape, then both of his hands started moving everywhere, leaving a burning fire everywhere it touches.


​I don't know anymore...

​What I know right now is I want to be embraced by him again...

​Please... for the last time, let me be embraced by him again...

​ He was able to quickly take off my coat because I just realized that it already flew off to the carpet. And next thing I knew is that he circled both of my legs to his hips while his hands were both supporting my weight.

​Then I felt him inside me...

​Ah... thinking that I'll never taste this kind of ecstasy again, I feel like I'm going crazy!

​He's deeply thrusting... thrusting inside me... like he's catching to all those times that he didn't embrace me...

​My nails started digging his back but he didn't mind the pain, instead, he moved harder and faster, totally driving me crazier!

​We're both panting until we both reached the peak, then I buried my face on his neck while I'm waiting for my heartbeat to go back to normal. And it's like Oji's doing the same thing as well.

​Still on that position, we quietly calmed ourselves...

​I closed my eyes.

​Stupid. Totally stupid. Where are the words that I said? What happened to the charade that I putted up? I even thought that I'm done being his toy, but he just kissed me then I already gave in!

​I easily gave in!

​What the hell was that?

​Where the hell did my determination go?

​I abruptly opened my eyes when Oji finally placed me down, and I automatically felt cold when I saw how he's victoriously smiling in front of me.

​For a moment, I wanted to close my eyes when I realized that I just fell on his trap!

​"There's no way that you're already over me," he confidently said while fixing his clothes. Then he gave me a mocking glare, "I just touched you once yet you already gave in, I'm sure that one day, you'll surely come in front of me, begging me to look at you again."

​I clenched my fists.

​So that's how it is?

​"I...I'm..." I sighed when I noticed how I trembled. "I'm a bitch." Those words didn't almost came out from my mouth.

​"What?" he asked.

​"I'm..." I sighed again and then I finally looked at him, "I'm a bitch."

​I saw how surprised he is by the words that I used. But... he pushed me to my limits. And in order for me to get back on my self, I tried to be a devil like he is. And the way I see it, it's effective.

​And I took advantage by the time that he's off guarded.

​"And you were asking me who's better between you and Kazuya right?" I smirked, "It's him." I paused when I noticed how he balled his fists.

​"Too much of your ego devil prince."

​"He's way better than you so I decided to go out with him instead." And I wanted to smile victoriously as well when I saw how his smile slowly swept away. "Way better."

​His eyes sharpened, "Bitch!"

​It's painful. That word is like a bullet that triggered my heart.


​It's me who lit the fire. I should take responsibility.

​"Yah I know right?" I sarcastically said, "A certified bitch." Then I chuckled. "And want me to tell you something good? The reason why I was suddenly gone is because I had an abortion. Whether it's yours or Kazuya's, I don't care. All I just want is that thing to be out from my body so I can still continue to be embraced by anyone who I..."

​All the rubbish things that I wanted to say automatically flew with the air when I felt Oji's hand landed to my face.

​I quickly held my face that he just slapped and looked at him.

​His eyes were burning because of anger and I think, if he could just kill me this moment, he already killed me!

​"Whore." His voice is covered by anguish and hatred. Then he quaked his head, "What the fuck?" he said as if he's just talking to his self, "Why did I waste my time to a whore?"

​There goes that unbearable pain in my heart again. But I can't just take back everything I said. I already said it, so I should stick with it.

​"Hate me more Oji... despise me more... get angry like hell so you'll never come back in front of me again... that way... I can hold on to my self... just... hate me..."

​"That child," he said without looking at me, "Whether it's mine or Kazuya's, you shouldn't get rid of it just because of your selfish reasons. And you know what I realized? You're far worst than Norie."

​My eyebrows single-lined.

​Far worst?

​What does he mean by that?

​He quaked his head, "I wasted my time for nothing." Then he took off his wallet and threw money to my face, "You're a whore right? I don't know how much you cost but that price is enough to pay your service for tonight." Then he walked out.

​And as soon as the door was shut, I sat on the floor crying.

​I deserve those words...

​I deserve every word that Oji said to me...

​Stupid. Putting up a lie just to be hated. But I was desperate... I don't want to look like a loser in front of him, especially when he found out that I can give in so easily to him.

​I stared at Oji's money that were scattered on the floor.

​"You're a whore right? I don't know how much you cost but that price is enough to pay your service for tonight." 

​I know I pushed Oji to say those words... but why... why does it hurts this much?

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