Chapter 3: Lost

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~I do not own Lab Rats~

Commando App Disengaged

Man, do I have a killer headache, what happened?

I blink a few times to clear my vision. I'm still in the alley, but not in the corner. I'm standing in the middle of it, breathing heavily. I turned into Spike, didn't I? Great, but what happened during it?

I feel an object in my hand, and I raise it up shakily to where I can see it. As soon as it is in my eyesight, I drop it with a gasp. I expect it make a sound when it hits the ground, but none comes.

My eyes wander down to where I dropped it, and I instantly move away and up against the wall behind me. What have I done? No, what has he done?

I can't bring myself to look away, and my heart races in my chest. The knife, which shined in the dim light, isn't shining because of the metal. Now, it's covered in a crimson liquid, and that's what's shining in the light.

The same liquid is pouring out a deep gash in the man's side. He's the reason the knife didn't make a sound when I dropped it, it's because it landed on his stomach, right next to the wound. The man lies still in front of me, and his skin is very pale. His mask has been pulled off, no, wait, cut off.

He doesn't look much older than 30, maybe 35, has a faint mustache growing, and a hooked nose. Other than the mustache, his head sports no hair.

Is he breathing? "Oh, please don't be dead, please don't be dead." I silently plead to myself as I slowly approach him and kneel down next to him. I hold my breath as I feel him for a pulse. I exhale deeply as I find one. The pulse is a little weak, and I give him a scan. He should live, as long as he gets help.

Approaching sirens alert me, and I'm instantly at my feet. Are they coming here? Did that lady call for help? How long has it been since I turned into Spike? All I know, is that I have to get out of here, fast.

I quickly get to my feet and realize that my leg no longer stings. Now there is only some dry blood on it, and I am really hoping that it's mine.

As I get on my feet, I stagger, and my vision blurs for a few seconds. When I can see clearly again, I have a pounding headache, and I feel the back of my head. I freeze in my spot as I feel something wet and sticky, and I slowly look at my hand. Blood.

When the guy tackled me earlier, I must've hurt it then. At least I know what happened for this.

The sirens get louder, and I have a gut feeling that they're coming here. I take off, as far away from here as I can get.

I almost killed someone. I was almost a murderer.

No, I wasn't almost a murderer. He was, but I'm pretty sure that wouldn't hold up in court. That's exactly the problem, he can ruin my life, but he would go on just fine, only coming back out to make it even worse.

Wait, it was in an act of self-defense, so I could never have gotten into that much trouble. I still don't want to risk it. Who knows who they'll believe? Unless that lady shows up, I'm not sure. This would also have a big impact on Mr. Davenport as well. If word got out that his son killed a man, what would happen to his reputation, his career? This will also probably impact the rest of my family in some way. He has already created a big impact on one of them.

I can't let anyone know what's just happened. Ever.

No one besides me, that guy, and him are the only people who will ever know what's happened. Even I don't know everything that happened, but he does.

I climb a fence into someone's backyard and quickly pass their house and onto the road. I look at the street sign, but I've never seen this street before. Now I wish that I could use my GPS to figure out where I am, but then they could find me. I'll just have to face the facts, I'm officially lost.

Well, if I'm lost, that means they won't find me here. Right?


"What did you say to me?" Spike's recognizable voice asks with pure anger in it.

"Bree?" Leo says with a shaky voice. "Um...does that sound a lot like Spike to you?"

"Uh huh," Bree answers with a hint of fear shown on her face. "We have to do something!" She grabs Leo's arm and shoves their way through to the front. "Wait, where'd Adam go?" She looks around, but her oldest brother is nowhere to be found.

"That's not important right now, we need to do something before this gets out of hand," Leo looks over at the fight.

"Dude, what's up with your voice?" Trent asks with confusion. "Finally hit puberty in a matter of seconds?" He laughs at his own joke, but no one joins him.

Spike rushes forward and slams Trent against the lockers he was just up against. "How do you like a taste of your own medicine?" Spike growls and throws Trent onto the ground. He skids a few feet and some people have to move out his way.

Trent starts to get to his feet, but Spike advances towards him. "I'm not done with you yet." Spike grabs Trent by the back of his collar before he can get away.

"Man, what's gotten into you?" Trent asks as he squirms to try and loosen Spike's grip on him, but the tightness of the grip only grows.

"Nothing, I just thought it was my turn to take you out!" Spike throws Trent in the air and then catches him with both hands over his head. He spins him a few times before chucking him the direction of the doorway, barely missing the glass of the windows.

Trent is on his feet and out of the building as fast as he can. Spike doesn't bother to go after him, and he instead eyes other the other possible victims. He approaches the crowd of people, and they all scatter.

Bree and Leo don't bother to stay together; Leo runs to hide, but Bree stays back a moment. She's debating whether or not to approach Spike, but when she is almost hit by a flying locker, she decides it's better not to right now.

Spike isn't pleased with any of this, and he gets more amped up. He begins to go on a much more destructive rampage, tearing out and throwing everything in sight.

Inside Spike, he shows no signs of going away anytime soon, and the level of aggression only continues to rise.


A/N: Well, now Chase has no idea where he is, isn't that great?

Thanks for reading! :P

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2015 ⏰

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