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After a few weeks of English Class and Play practice and Late night Dead poets meetings, Conner told Steve, He wasn't really looking for a relationship. And he wasn't completely lying. He wasn't looking for a relationship...

With Steve...

Steve didn't know that Kevin and Conner had sorta started up... something... Whatever that something was, neither of them were sure. But Conner loved it. Sometimes they cuddled. So that was good. They hadn't done much other than that though. Small kisses here and there. Hand holding. Nothing to serious. They bother adored it, Nevertheless.

Kevin was in love with this whole play thing. He was so much happier all the time. One day, the group of boys were sitting in the study lounge. Arnold came bounding through the door. "I'm going to call her."

"Call who?" Neeley asked, though he knew. He just wanted to hear him butcher her name again. "Nathan Lane! I'm calling her!"

"Arnold, Nabalungi Has a boyfriend." Kevin pointed out, his arm wrapped tightly around Conner, which the all thought was awesome other than Steve- who was highly upset but said nothing of it.

"So. All is fair in love and war, best friend." He smiled cheekily, walking to the phone. He picked it up and dialed the number, waiting patiently for Naba to answer. "Hello?" A quiet African accent answered from the other end. Becoming Incredible nervous, Arnold hung up.

"Smooth, Romeo." James said, laughing softly. The others laughed a little as well. "Ha Ha James, very funny." Arnold said, rolling his eyes and Dialing the number again.

Conner laid his head on Kevin's shoulder and cuddled close to him. Kevin smiled a little, holding Conner close to him.

"Hi... Yeah, This Arnold Cunnugham.. Yeah from the dinner... Really?... Wow! O-okay! Yeah I'd love too! Okay thank Naval! Bye!" Arnold hung up the phone and took a deep breath... Then screamed a loud cheer, throwing his fist into the air.

"She was thinking about me! Do you understand that?! She was thinking about Me and she wants me to come to Chet's Party!" Arnold exclaimed.

"So she invited you to her boyfriends party..." Neeley said, cocking an eyebrow. "Score buddy. Score."

"Oh leave him alone Neels, I think it's awesome, Arn." Chris smiled at Arnold.

"See, Chris thinks its awesome." Arnold said, crossing his arms. Kevin smiled. "Hey I'm happy for you buddy. She'd be lucky to have ya."

"Thanks best friend!" Arnold grinned cheekily before dashing out of the room to get ready.

"He's so happy." Conner quietly said, smiling and closing his eyes as he held on to Kevin. "He also called her Naval though." Kevin pointed out, making Conner laugh quietly and looked up at Kevin, Smiling a little.

"You are cute, You know that?" Kevin asked him, planting a gentle kiss on Conner's nose. Conner smiled softly and pecked Kevin's lips. "You are too." He softly said.

Kevin smiled as Conner buried his face into his neck. Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes. Chris and James smiled at the two of them. "We having a meeting tonight?" James asked.

"Yeah." Kevin nodded. "Without Arnold anyway." He smiled. "Alright cool." James grinned. "And Stevie... Are you coming or are you to upset that Kevin and Conner are happy..?" He asked, making a pouty face completely with the puppy dog eyes and stick out his lower lip.

Chris grinned. "Okay. That's adorable." He said, kissing James' cheek. Steve rolled his eyes. "No, I'm not upset that their happy!" He complained. "I'm upset for other reasons. But yes I will be there."

About an hour later, Arnold was a party with tons of people he didn't know... Naba had left him with the people downstairs because she had to find Chet.

He kinda just stood in the corner, drinking a beer. It was gross but they had nothing else to drink... And It stung his throat. He didn't like that..

"Hey... Hey you Rory Williams brother." A guy said, pointing at him. Arnold quickly shook his. "I am not."

"Sure ya are! Here have a beer." Although he hated it, Arnold accepted it. He stayed there for a few hours, sitting on the couch in the living and feeling a little weird from the three beers he had ultimately Drank.

He went to get up cause of couple that was making out, but there was a weight on his legs. Naba had her head in lap and was fast asleep.

He had no clue what to do. "Nail polish wake up..." He quietly said, shaking her gentle. "Wake up..." Eventually, she woke up and smile up at him. "Oh hi Arnold."

"Hi.." He softly said. "You fell asleep, Necrophiliac."

Naba giggled softly said. "Nabulungi." She softly said. "Nabubonjovi...?" He said. "No, Nabulu- You know what? Just call me Naba." She smiled. "Hey! Chet, this guys hittin' on Naba!" The guy who gave Arnold a beer earlier yelled. "Hey what the hell man?!" Chet Danberry walked toward Arnold, looking mighty pissed.

"Oh.. No you don't understand." Arnold stood and so did Naba. "Chet it wasn't anything, really.." She softly said.

"You fucking with me girl?!" Chet punched Arnold, causing him to fall back on to the Ground. "Chet! Cut it out! You are going to hurt him!" She frowned, shoving Chet away and kneeling down by Arnold. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be okay." Arnold nodded as Naba helped him up. Chet grabbed Naba's arm a yanked her away from him. "If I ever see you around her again, I'll kick your ass." He warned. And Arnold decided it was probably best if he left.

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