Chapter Two

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Astrid wrote down every rule that Keaton gave her then read over them and looked at him,

Now you're going to take those rules and hang them on the wall in your room.

She laughed,
These rules are bogus, I'm not going to hang them on the wall.

Excuse me?

They're ridiculous. I'm not a child, bedtime? And asking to go places? No. And what kind of rule is it that I have to meet you at the door? That's crap. I'm not doing it.

Keaton raised his hand to smack her and Astrid's brother walked through the door.

I'm home! Brought you two some things.

Keaton lowered his hand hoping Caleb didn't see, luckily he was too busy struggling with three big shopping bags to notice anything unusual. Caleb laughed,

What's up with you two? Why are you just standing there? Get your lazy asses over here and help me

Keaton and Astrid each grabbed a bag from Caleb and set them on the coffee table.
Astrid, the purple one is for you and Keaton, the green one is yours.

Astrid picked up the purple bag and went through everything in it, a $250 gift card to Victoria's Secret, a $100 gift card to hot topic, three May day parade albums, a Polaroid camera and film, and a purple dress. She jumped up and hugged her brother,
Thank you so much Caleb! You always know exactly what to bring me

Actually, Astrid. There's something I wanted to talk to you and Keaton about. While I was on this business trip, I met a girl. Her name is Anna. She's the one who picked out most of your gifts. We've gotten to know each other and we have a lot in common, and with your approval, I'd like to marry her. I'm moving in to her condo this weekend which means Keaton will be completely in charge here and you two will be living alone.

Astrid sat, momentarily shocked and thought about what could happen living alone with Keaton. He could actually go through with making her follow those ridiculous rules, he could actually punish her if she didn't listen. She mulled it over a little longer and made up her mind. She didn't want to admit it to herself but she liked the controlling version of Keaton she had just recently begun to see and she wanted to know what exactly he was going to do.

Okay Caleb, I'm willing to meet her and I'll help you pack up all of your things to move. But you have to promise you'll still visit us regularly and you won't forget you have a little sister back here.

Alright Astrid, promise, thank you for having an open mind about this.

Caleb hugged Astrid and took his bag upstairs to begin packing his things.
After Caleb went upstairs Astrid looked at Keaton and asked,

How is this gonna work then?

What do you mean?

This, the rules and crap. Am I really gonna have to follow them?


And if I don't?

Well, you can choose not to obey the rules but I wouldn't if I were you. more question?


I dont really know what this,
She gestured to Keaton and herself
Is called. But I know that I do have the freedom to decide that I don't want to put up with it, right?

You do, and if at any point you decide you don't want to do this then tell me. But judging by your actions and words you want me, and you like this just as much as I do.

Astrid blushed fiercely and asked quietly if she could help her brother pack.

Go ahead.

She went upstairs and started helping Caleb,



Theoretically, what would you do if I liked Keaton?

Um...I wouldn't do anything I suppose, you're old enough to decide who you like, but I wouldn't exactly be the most comfortable with it, he's my best friend and he's known for being a heartbreaker Astrid, theoretically I wouldn't want you to get hurt.

Okay, I understand that. Thanks Caleb.

The rest of the week passed uneventfully, Astrid attended school and stuck to her normal routine, Keaton and Caleb went to work and then on Friday night Caleb came home from work and got Astrid and Keaton to sit in the living room.

So, Anna is outside waiting and I was wondering if you guys were up to meeting her tonight?

They both agreed to meet her and Caleb brought her inside.

Anna, this is my little sister, Astrid and my best friend, Keaton.

It's nice to meet you two, I've heard so much about you both.

Astrid smiled at her and stood up to hug her,
If you're gonna be with my brother then you'll have to have a proper greeting

They hugged and Astrid decided that Anna seemed like a sweet person and she told Caleb that she wished them luck as a couple and hoped they worked out, then Caleb Astrid and Keaton brought all of Caleb's things to his truck and packed him up for the move.

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