Chapter Four

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Astrid stayed still for the full twenty minutes, it was unpleasant and she wanted nothing more than to move but she didn't want to be reprimanded again and she knew if she moved there would be an even more intense punishment. Keaton finally told her it had been 20 minutes and she needed to do her chores. 

When she finished her chores she went to her room in an attempt to avoid any contact with Keaton. She had gotten what she wanted but she was angry with him for being so harsh with her. Of course, with her luck, when she got to her bedroom Keaton was there waiting for her. She looked at him for a second and then turned to leave.

Astrid, where are you going?


Come here.

She obeyed and sat next to him, he pulled her into his lap and brushed her hair behind her ear.

You're mad at me.

You were too rough with me...

You disobeyed, and if it was really too much the safe word is there for a reason. You're just mad because I actually punished you and you didn't think I would. You don't have any real reason to be angry, I gave you what you wanted. and if you insist on pouting you'll just get yourself into more trouble.

Astrid stopped pouting and looked at him

Fine... you're right... can I go shower now?

Alright. But no more pouting, understood?


He raised an eyebrow at her

Yes sir.

Good girl

After her shower Astrid went baack into her room and saw Keaton had fallen asleep in her bed. so naturally she decided to get back at him for being too rough with her. As quietly as she was capable of she went to the playroom and got a set of handcuffs, a rope and a blindfold. She came back and cuffed Keaton's hands to the headboard. he stirred but remained asleep and she began to question this decision, she started to think it might not have been the best idea but then she thought about the punishment and was instantly wet with the ideas and possibilities that flowed through her mind. So she continued. She tied his ankles to the foot of the bed and blindfolded him, being incredibly careful to make sure he was still sleeping, then she left to go sleep on the couch. 

She knew he had waken up by the sound of an incredibly angry


She flinched at just how angry he sounded but walked calmly and confidently into her bedroom.

Yes sir?

What possessed you to think I'd let you get away with something like this? Untie me right now or  you're going to be in big trouble princess.

I think I should leave you there for a while. Let you calm down some and realize that I only did this to get you back for being too rough with me.

So help me god, Astrid. If you don't untie me right the fuck now you're not going to be able to sit down. do you understand just what that means for you?

I understand exactly what it means but I still think maybe I should just let you simmer for a while.

Then Keaton broke the handcuffs, pulled off the blindfold, and undid the ropes. She just stood there, too shocked to really react.

I hope you're ready for this kitten.

She backed away but he grabbed her by the throat and pinned her to the wall.

What in the hell did you think you were doing?

I was just messing around really, I wasn't actually trying to piss you off sir...

She looked down, afraid of the intense glare she was receiving from him.

I know that's a lie kitten. I don't recommend lying to me, you'll only make things worse for yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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