Part 4 Help me Meggie

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Tini asked Meggie surprised what was going on, Tini was upset. Meggie heard her sniffing and crying, "Tini come down and tell me what is wrong" Meggie said. "The article with me and Jorge" Tini cried "a lot of people told me about it so I got it and Peter is angry at me because he believes the story. He won't speak or have anything to do with me. And everybody think it's real but its fake Meggie, its al fake. Please try to understand Jorge and I are only friends, I have tried to talk to Stephie but she will not hear me out, will you explain it to her please Meggie?"

Tini continued "Meggie I need someone to believe me". She was crying very hard now.

                                      "I do believe you", said Meggie and she did.

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