Part 6 Jortini or maybe not and part 7 Friendship forever

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                                                                                               Part 6

Tini was calling Kate and Meggie to go to a café. Meggie had called Stephie, who she was friends with, to come to the cafe with them but she refused, even if she had forgiven Tini.

Meggie asked her what the secret was and Stephie said that she had a feeling Jorge, even if the article was fake, wanted to be in a real relationship with Tini. Every time she said her name Jorge's eyes were shining even if he did not know it.

So just maybe there was a chance Jortini could happen. Meggie and Kate hoped so and they thought they would be great together.

                                                                     So it could be Jortini?

                                                                     What do you think


Meggie had not heard from Stephie since Stephie broke up with Jorge. Tini and Jorge saw one another but they were still not together as Kate and Meggie pointed out. "And why is it that you are not together again for you can't tell me you're still together with that Peter guy" said Meggie.

"Why do you want me and Jorge together?" asked Tini. "I don't know" said Kate pretending to think. "Maybe because you're a match made in heaven" said she. "So romantic" said Tini.

"Come on Tini, don't be like that if you love him" said Meggie

"So tell Jorge" both the girls said. "Tini, we know you're in love with him" said they.

"I do love him but I'm not ready after Peter said he would not be with me anymore" said Tini and both Meggie and Kate understood that.

"But don't wait too long" they said "and Tini, you can always count on us for we are your friends and our friendship will be forever" said Meggie.

                                    "Forever" Kate and Tini repeated.

                                                                       The End

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