Chapter 14: What?!

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John's P.O.V.

I quickly caught Katy in my arms as she fainted, "Katy, oh my goodness!" I quickly picked her up bridal style and headed towards the car. No one noticed us, which was a good thing, they were all partying like there was no tomorrow, ugh.

I laid Katy down in the back seat and I quickly drove towards the hospital, "This should beat everyone's record, we go to the hospital literally everyday!" I muttered to myself.

We arrived shortly and I carried her into the hospital, not caring about the paparazzi at all. "Hi I'm John Mayer and my wife just blacked out." I said breathlessly. "Okay, they will take care of her." A few doctors rolled a gurney towards me and I gently laid Katy onto it.

Once again, I'm sitting in these exact chairs in the waiting room again. "This really isn't good for her body..." Suddenly, anger took over my body, and so did protectiveness. I promised myself and Katy that I would protect her from harm, but I had failed myself again. I dug out my phone and called Tamara:

T: Hey John

J: Guess where I'm at right now, the hospital because Katy fainted again. And you wanna know why?

T: Oh my goodness is she okay?

J: Seriously, why would you guys go behind her back and throw this party, she has the rights to know. She got to speechless and so did her brain, because it shut her whole body down and I don't even know what's going on in there right now.

T: Wow slow down, are you blaming me for this mess?

J: I'm mad at whoever's idea this was to plan a secret party. I've never seen her so angry before, you guys have some apologizing to do when she wakes up.

And with that, I hung up. I know I sounded really rude but if they wanna mess with my wife, they're gonna have to go through me first. I raised my head when I heard my name being called, "John, can I talk to you?"

I nodded and stood up, "I'm Dr. Evans and we just wanted to let you know that Katy is going to be fine. She just got too shocked or something like that and her brain couldn't keep up with it." I sighed in relief as a smile appeared onto my face, "That's great, thank you so much."

"There's something else you should know, she's pregnant." I jaw dropped as his voice filled my ears. A small smile slowly started to form on my face, "That's great news, how's the baby?" I asked already growing protective.

"The baby's just fine, 100% healthy and he/she is very normal for his or her size right now, congratulations! You may come and see her now if you'd like." He said before leaving me alone again, I was overjoyed, I'm going to have another child with Katy!

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and followed him, he opened the door for me and I saw Katy just waking up. I rushed up to her and planted a small kiss on her lips, "Katy, how are you feeling?" I asked running my hand through her hair, "I'm better, a little dizzy and wanting to puke every now and then."

I looked at the doctor, who just smiled. "Hey Katy, Dr. Evans found out something when he was screening your body." I said happily, "What's that?" I took a deep breath before saying, "You're pregnant honey." Her mouth dropped open as tears started forming in her eyes, "Are you serious, this is so great!"

"We're going to have another baby honey!" John said kissing my lips, "Katy, you are free to leave the hospital, but I want you to take things easy from now on until the baby is born got it?" Dr. Evans said sternly as I helped Katy out of bed, "Thanks Doc, I'll watch her carefully this time."

"Of course you will, ouch!" Katy cried as I tightened my grip on her, "Sorry love..." I apologized with a small smile, we walked out of the hospital and the paparazzi were swarming the doors, again.

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