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Jordyn POV:

IT'S OFFICIAL! I AM DATING BEN TYLER COOK! I laid there with my head on his shoulder, still in my pajamas. My hand fit in his perfectly, like it was meant to be. I looked over at the clock and it was 11:30.

"I better get ready for the movies, we are meeting in the lobby at 12 right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I better go get ready to. See you downstairs." He kissed my cheek then got up and left. I placed my hand where he had kissed me, my scratch was on the other cheek. I laid there for a minute, waiting to wake up from this dream. It was all too perfect, it couldn't possibly be real. I finally got up and hoped in the shower. My hair still dripping wet, I threw clothes on really quickly and then grabbed my phone to video chat Parker. When he answered, I could tell that my video chat request had woken him up. He was still in bed and his eyes were only half open.

"Get up you lazy bum! It's almost noon!" I joked.

"Why are you calling me so early in the morning." He asked, his voice deep.

"As I said before it's almost noon. But listen I have big news!"

"So big you had to wake me up from my sleep?" He pushed his brunette hair out of his face to show his brown eyes. 

"Parker listen! Ben asked me to be his girlfriend!" I squealed. His eyes instantly shot wide open. Well, he's definitely awake now!

"I think I must still be dreaming because I swear I just heard you say Ben asked you to be his girlfriend."

"Nope, you are wide awake!"

"And what did you say?"

"Well obviously I said yes!"

"I thought you said you were just friends!"

"We were! ...and now we're not!"

"Well...I guess I'm ok with it. He's a cool guy. I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I won't Parker, he's a great guy. He saved me from those jerks who tried to hurt me."

"Ok, I trust him. And you two make a cute couple."

"Thanks Parker, I gotta go now. A bunch of us are going to the movies. I will talk to you later." I hung up and looked in the mirror. I brushed out my hair which was practically dry by now and quickly put on eyeliner and mascara. It was 11:57 by the time I was ready. Grabbing my purse, I quickly ran out the door and rushed to elevator. I got down to the lobby to see that everybody was already down there waiting for me. 

"I am so sorry I'm late! I was on the phone with my brother and-"

"Jordyn it's fine, we all just got here like 1 minute ago." Sky said. I walked over to Ben and we all headed out to leave. Ben took my hand in his and we walked behind the group.

"So I'm guessing you told Parker?" He said.

"Yeah, did you tell Emma?" I asked.

"Yeah. I just can't believe I finally get to call you my girlfriend." He said smiling. I saw Josh glance back at us and whisper in Sky's ear. Which led to a chain reaction of whispering and glancing back until finally I turned to Ben.

"Did you tell anyone about us?" I asked.

"Nope, I probably should have though." He said, noticing everyone glancing back at us. "Well I'm guessing they have figured it out by now." He said laughing. We arrived at the movie theatre and all got in line to pay for our tickets. I was last in line because me and Ben had walked in the back of the group. Ben went up to pay for his ticket.

"2 tickets please." He said.

"Ben, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Paying for your ticket!"

"You don't have to do that, I have money."

"I don't have to, but I want to." He said. I didn't feel like fighting him so I went along with it.

"Thanks Ben, but I am paying for my own popcorn. You don't have to pay for things I do just because we are dating now." I explained.

"As I said before I don't have to, but I want to." He kissed my forehead and we got our popcorn then went inside the theatre. The previews had started and the theatre was dark so we had a hard time finding the guys. We found them near the back with 2 seats open on the end for me and Ben. I sat down next to Sky and Ben sat down next to the aisle. 

"So you two are dating now?" Sky whispered to me.

"Yeah, it's official as of this morning." I said smiling. Sky look depressed. "You ok Sky?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm happy for you two. You two make a cute couple." He said. I was going to say more but the movie started. 


"Not gonna lie that movie was not as good as I thought it would be." I said.


"The plot was so predictable and it was boring." I replied.

"I'm sorry Ben you may have to break up with her. She can't appreciate a good movie!" Josh added.

"I can appreciate a good movie, this movie just wasn't good!" I laughed.

"Shouldn't we be heading out? Everybody is at the park waiting for us." Ben said. We started to walk down to the park but my legs got tired.

"Ben, can I get on your back? My legs hurt." I asked.

"You are such a whiner!" He laughed.

"PLEEEAAASSEEEEE" I begged. He agreed and I jumped on his back. I took his hat off his head and put it on mine.

"Hey!" He screamed when I took it off his head.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"Oh yeah you know just wondering where my hat went." He laughed.

"Aw look at the lovebirds!" Josh said while pulling out his phone and taking a picture.

"No paparazzi shots." I joked. We got to the park and Ben dumped me in the grass, then laid down next to me.

"ARE THEY DATING!? HA I WIN! YOU OWE ME 20 BUCKS JOSH!" I heard Vincent scream as soon as he saw us.

"You two really couldn't have waited one more day!" Josh said as he pulled out his wallet, handing Vincent $20.

"I'M RICH!" Vincent screamed, holding up his $20 bill.

"You know, when I first met you the first thought that went through my head was wow that girl is beautiful." Ben started. My face instantly started to blush. "When they told me I was in charge of giving you a tour, I searched you on Instagram so that I would know what you looked like."

"You stalked me?" I said laughing.

"That's one way to put it. But that night after I met you, I couldn't stop thinking about you. I talked about you all night to Josh." His hand in mine, he started playing with my fingers. "I'm crazy about you Jordyn." I turned and looked into his eyes, falling for him more and more for him every second.

"I'm crazy about you too."

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