Dancing in the Rain

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Jordyn POV:

"No I'm just saying, the movie wouldve been a lot better with zombies!" Ben said.

"Shut up. The movie was amazing." I said putting my hand over his mouth. We were on the couch in his hotel room and I was lying my head on his legs.

"I thought it was boring." Josh, who was sitting on his bed said.

"You shut up too! It was beautiful!" I said.

"It was cheesy and boring and I think I fell asleep halfway through it." Josh said.

"Pride and prejudice is an amazing movie!" I said.

"I'm going to have to disagree." Ben said.

"Well you suck." I laughed.

"Why did we watch this again?" Josh asked.

"Because you both love me and you guys got to pick the movie last week." I said.

"So, has Parkers plane landed yet?" Ben asked. I grabbed my phone.

"No call or text yet so I'm guessing not." I said.

"Can we go outside or something? It's a beautiful day out." Josh said.

"No it's not Josh." I said. I stood up and opened the curtain to reveal grey skies and pouring down rain.

"How beautiful." Josh said.

"You still want to go outside?" I asked.

"Yes I do." Josh said.

"Fine. Then go." I smirked.

"I will." Josh smiled.

"I'm going too." Ben said.

"And no rain coats or hats." I said.

"But my hair!" Josh said.

"But it's beautiful out!" I smirked. They kicked off their shoes and ran out the door right as Melissa was walking in.

"Do I want to know what's happening?" Melissa laughed setting her stuff down.

"Twiddle dum and twiddle dumber are going to play in the rain." I laughed.

"Oh joy and we get to watch." Melissa said running over to the window. We saw them run out into the grass doing turns and leaps. We started dying laughing. Ben did a leap and slipped in the wet grass and fell flat on his face. That's when we lost it. All of the sudden a lightening bolt lit the sky. We watched as Josh scrambled to help Ben up as they both freaked out about the lightening.

"LOOK AT THEIR FACES!" I laughed. I grabbed my phone and took a video of them scrambling around trying to stand up but they kept slipping in the grass. Another lighting bolt struck and there was a loud crack of thunder. When they heard the thunder they both jumped and fell on their asses.

"This is gold." Melissa laughed.

"I don't think they realize how far away the lightening is." I laughed. They finally stood up and sprinted inside. I fell down onto the couch I was laughing so hard. They ran into the hotel room, dripping wet, breathing heavily.

"Shut up." Ben said.

"I didn't say anything yet." I laughed.

"Shut up." Josh said.

"Did you two enjoy the beautiful weather?" I asked.

"I hate you." Josh said.

"No Josh you love me." I laughed.

"You know what? I do. Come here and give Joshy a hug." Josh said walking towards me with his arms open.

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