Meeting the fam

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Austin's pov

I see two kids jump into Alexa's arms.
Alexa: Kira and koda how are my two favorite monsters
Kira: Alexa I got into the advanced program
Alexa: no way kido
Kira: yes way
Koda: stop being such a show off
Kira: don't be jealous that I'm the superior twin and that you didn't get into the advanced program
Koda: the test wasn't fair I got assigned the smartest girl in the class while you got the dumbest boy in the class
Kira: so you should always be a success in your missions
Alexa: she's got a point, anyway what was the mission
Koda: to either get a woe or a jockstrap on your arm
Kira: no it was to get an eye candy on your arm
Alexa: oh that mission
Kira: koda is just mad that he didn't get Michael and I did
Alexa: koda has a crush on him I'm guessing
Koda: no
Kira: yes
Alexa: look no worries
Kira: who is the jockstrap in the doorway
Alexa: boyfriend not jockstrap
Koda: same thing
Alexa: why don't we all go into the secondary living room
Kira: does he have a name
Me: oh course I have a name
Koda: he talks, it's alive alive!
Alexa: of course he talks and is alive
Me: my name is Austin
Kira: nice to meet you
Koda: sup
Me: koda are you gay
Koda: I don't know why, you got a problem with the lgbt community
Me: no it's just you say you like a guy
Koda: I don't like him
Kira: yes he does
Kira: we're too young to be allowed to. Choose a perferance
Alexa: preferance
Koda: what ever
Me: oh ok
Kira: you like my sister
Me: yes of course I do, in fact I think I....
Alexa: like her a lot, is what he means to say
Me: uhh
Koda: don't mind Alexa she doesn't believe in love and that it exists
Me: oh ok
Me: anyway, I like that  you guys are looking for woes and stuff but aren't you a little young
Kira: no
Koda: no
Me: I think so
Mystery girl voice: you tryna tell my bro and sis what to do punk
I look up the stairs and see a girl wearing a black crop top, high leather white jeans, black stiletto heals, her long strait black and light brown hair in a high pony tail, her Peircing brown eyes glaring at me challenging, one thing this girl has in common with Alexa, is her looks and the way she makes me scared as shit.
Me: no I was just asking
Mystery girl: you passed my test, your not as much of a bitch as I thought you were
Me: test?
Mystery girl: didn't Alexa tell you, each family member gives you a test, and if you pass each you live to walk out here with my sis on your arm, you don't my sis crys while shooting you
Me: and you are
Mystery girl: Julie you
Me: Austin
Julie: nice too meet you, twins whatcha got
Kira and Koda: he passes
Julie: nice
She walks away
Alexa: three passes nice
Me: I didn't know there was a test
Alexa: there is, we weren't suppose to tell you so you would act natural
Me: oh
Kira: it won't affect it much I presume
Me: not really
Koda: great and good luck by the looks of it you'll need it
Me: thanks
The jump off Alexa's lap and run off.
Alexa: time to meet my brother
Me: thought I just did
Alexa: older brother now
Me: ok
Alexa: hope your good at video games
Me: I'm not
Alexa: try to be decent, when you lose don't be a sore loser ok
Me: ok
Alexa leads me up the stairs and to a dark green door, she knocks. A boy a couple years older than Alexa opens up, he's tall and muscular, short hair that is curly like Alexa, Kira, and koda's, he's wearing a tank and some shorts.
Alexa: Jp, my boyfriend, play video games with him, I suggest c.o.d. Or m.w.3.
Jp looks me over.
Jp: good choice
He looks Alexa over.
Jp: see you haven't lost weight
Me: she's fine and perfect the way she is and she doesn't need to lose weight asshole, I love her the way she is, she's perfect!!
Jp: I don't need to play video games with him, he already passed
Alexa: Austin you really think that
Me: of course
She bitch slapped me
Alexa: you lied love doesn't exist and you don't love me, don't you ever mention love to me again
Jp is just laughing his head off, Alexa starts walking down the stairs. I can't understand why she won't let me fuking love her. I sprint to her, she's downstairs knocking on a orange door. A old women opens up, I assume it her grandma.
Grandma: Alexa, alexa boyfriend come in
We walk it, she tells me to sit, she sits right in front of me
Grandma: think about Alexa
I imagine the most bueatiful angel, no goddess I have ever seen
Grandma: he passes, he obviously loves you
Alexa: he doesn't love me, love doesn't exist!
She storms out, I quickly follow.
Me: Alexa wait!
She storms into the kitchen
Alexa: mom do you need help
Mom: no not really, you guys can eat cake though
She pulls two plates out the fridge
Alexa: thanks mom
Her mom stares at me, studying me
Me: thanks Alexa's mom
Mom: no problem, have a seat
I sit down. She pulls out a gun and places it in front of her, Alexa is just sitting on the counter eating her cake.
Mom: so do you love Alexa
Me: yes
Alexa: say that again and I'll shoot you in the balls
Me: Alexa sweetheart i would rather die telling the truth than lieing to everyone including my self
Mom: do you love Alexa, and would you do everything to protect her
Me: yes
Alexa yanks the gun and points it too me
Me: you can't shoot me
Alexa: why not
Me: because all I did was say yes, even though there was two questions, you cannot prove which question I was answering therefore
Alexa: smartass your lucky you technically proved just now that you were answering the first question
Me: I love....
Alexa starts squeezing the trigger
Me: this cake, isn't it divine sweety
Alexa places the gun down
Alexa: yes
Mom: thanks you passed, please get out of my kitchen or else no arose con leche, for either of you, rappido out out now.
Alexa: thanks mom bye
We walk back up the stairs until we hit a blood red door, she opens it and jumps on a deep purple bed. Her walls are a black, curtains are light blue though giving the room a ocean light color, her dresser is white, and so is her closet door, the rest of the room is covered in book shelves except for the wall her bed is pushed up against, the wall above her bed is covered with guns, knives, grenades, grenade launchers, crossbows, and one missle launcher already loaded. There is a flat screen tv above her bedroom window, speakers on her dresser, two black beanbags on the floor, a Apple computer on her dresser as well, let's just say her room is huge compared to her dorm.
Me: nice room
Alexa: thanks, you just gonna stand there or sit.
Me: I'll sit
I flop on a bean bag.
Alexa: do you wanna listen to music or watch tv
Me: music
Alexa: good choice
She buts on jar of hearts, on of her favorite songs.
Me: so anymore people to meet
Alexa: my dad, but he's easy. At least for most people
Me: ok
Alexa: your a mean boyfriend
Me: what did I do
Alexa: that stunt in the kitchen so not funny
Me: I thought it was hilarious
Alexa: well it wasn't
Me: aww come on sweety
Alexa: come on nothing
Me: I have a question
Alexa: hmm
Austin: we're you actually gonna shoot me
Alexa: possibly it depends what came out your mouth
Austin: great just great, I choose the one girl who doesn't believe in love to love
Alexa jumps up, grabs a gun from the wall spins and unlocks the safety and points it at me
Alexa: don't test me boy
I stand up slowly walk to her, when I get right in front of her, she directly puts the gun on the side of my head I lean down and kiss her, I hear the gun fall and I wrap my hands around her waist, I feel her hands in my hair, were kissing well actually making out when I hear a snickering, I break the kiss turn toward the door and see it slightly cracked open and 4 eyes stacked one on top of the other. I turn and see Alexa, she has two knives in her hand already and is marching toward the door. I hear Julie yell run and they all scram, Alexa charges through the door and grabs the first too she sees, of course it's Jp and Julie, she pins them both down and holds a knife to both of they're necks.
Alexa: where are the phones
They quickly pull them out, Alexa hands them too me
Alexa: take the sims cards out
They both have I phones so the SIM cards are tiny. I take them out and had them to her she snaps them and shoves it in Jp and Julie's mouths.
Alexa: swallow them
They quickly chew and swallow she gets off them and they scram, Julie crying and Jp looking pissed.
Alexa storms over too a blue and pink door and opens it too find the twins crying and putting there SIM cards in the toilet and flushing it.
Alexa: good kids, now who wants an ice cream
They both run over and jump into our arms, me holding Kira and Alexa holding koda. We walk downstairs to Alexa's mom cooking still
Alexa: mom can we all have ice cream
Mom: no
Alexa: please
Mom: no
Alexa: please
Mom: fine a Popsicle only one, if your appetites are ruined I will make sure you eat your feet tonight, now hurry and get out my kitchen
Alexa: thanks mom
Mom: don't forget to throw away the trash, Maria doesn't come till Monday
Alexa: I know
Mom: get out
We hurry and grab the Popsicles and go sit in the first living room and watch tv. We all take turns watching our favorite shows, eventually the twins fall asleep in our arms, we place them next to each other and walk upstairs, were about to walk up the stairs when the door opens, her dad is home.

The story of my almost, very close, kinda maybe lovesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя