My existence Is gone

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Austin's pov still

I wake up and check my phone, still no Alexa number in it. I get dressed, go to class, do work and come back home, my existence is gone or more like was never here. Alexa was some dreamed up person, I sulk in my room and then remember her family, I rush to my car and realize it's nighttime, already wow. I jump in and go 80 miles per hour in a 50 miles per hour area. I get to the mansion and I sprint to the door and knock it opens by itself weird and creepy. I walk in the door way and the door slams shut behind me. It's dark and I can't see except for the red dots pointed at my body.
Me: uh hi, um remember me? I was wondering if Alexa is here
Julie: we don't remember you so leave
Jp: how do you know Alexa
Me: I know all of you, we met before
Dad: leave our family alone stalker or elf you get a bullet in you ass, or a 10,000,000 sue for stalking us.
Me: ok but where is Alexa I need to talk to her
Grandma: leave now
Mom: I can garentee you will get hurt if you don't stop looking at our family
I quickly leave the house jump in my car and drive away. No one will help me, they don't know me, I need Alexa, I want Alexa. I could just die now.
I drive off the peer bye my job, I want to die, my life without Alexa means nothing, she's my everything. I wake up in my bed again, I'm still living, why, I don't know, I always wake up in my bed why..... Who keeps saving me..... How..... Where is she. All questions running through my head.

The story of my almost, very close, kinda maybe lovesWhere stories live. Discover now