Chapter 1

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"HONEY IM HOME," Eleanor called through the flat she owned with her wife Beth.

"HOW WAS WORK?" Beth shouted in response.

"Boring there was nobody interesting today."

"Oh well."

Eleanor walked into the study Beth was working in and leaned on the back of her chair. She peered over her wife's shoulder to see what she was working on.

Beth was making the finishing touches to a new minecraft mini game. It was going to be released on Friday, and Beth had to review it since she was the head of 4J.

"I'm going to make some tea," Eleanor began. "would you like some?"

"Yeah sure," Beth replied and Eleanor left the room to prepare the drinks.

As soon as her wife had left the room, Beth took the porn magazine back out of the draw located in her desk and opened it. After a few minutes Eleanor returned, but not before Beth had looked at a large amount of pages. Hurriedly, Beth stuffed the magazine into the draw once more and accepted the tea from her wife.

"Thanks," Beth said, as Eleanor pulled up a chair and sat down beside her.

"You're welcome," Eleanor responded, and the two embraced for a brief moment before they were interrupted by a knocking on the front door.

Beth leaped up from he'd chair yelling,

"I'll get it." Then flew down the corridor like a frantic squirrel. She opened the door a crack to see the amazon delivery man standing in the doorway.

"Quick give it." She whispered in a hurried voice and snatched the parcel out of the man's hand before chucking a £10 note at him and slamming the door.

She rushed to the living room and squashed the parcel under the sofa cushions. Those magazines would be enjoyed and then hidden while Eleanor was at work the next day.

"Who was that?" Eleanor asked, opening the door to the living room with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Oh, it was just... The pizza delivery guy!" Beth lied.

"But we didn't order any pizza..." Eleanor replied, still confused.

"Well, he got the wrong house. He was meant to deliver to that old couple opposite us!" Beth explained hurriedly.

Eleanor didn't seem convinced, but she shrugged it off and fell back onto the sofa, soon to be joined by her wife.

"Movie and a takeaway?" Beth asked.

"Sounds great," Eleanor agreed.

There was a Thai take away place near the flat, where The couple went regularly.

"Don't forget the loyalty card," Beth called to Eleanor, who had volunteered to go to the shop.

"I won't!" She yelled before slamming the door behind her. It was a 5 minute walk to the Tai shop but Eleanor took her time getting there. She glanced around her staring mischievously over the street and licking her lips at what she saw. The same stranger, in the same place every time she walked past.

She shook her head and walked on, she had a loving wife, a future, it wasn't worth risking for some hot stranger in the street.

As soon as Beth heard the door slam shut she pulled the box that had been delivered earlier that day out from under the sofa cushions. She opened it to find, as she had expected, her monthly supply of porn magazines.

She took the first edition out of the box and placed it on the coffee table. Beth had roughly 15 minutes before Eleanor would return home with their meal and she planned on enjoying it.

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